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FAA Reauthorization – All-Cargo Airline Perspective

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1 FAA Reauthorization – All-Cargo Airline Perspective
The Cargo Airline Association The Voice of the Air Cargo Industry FAA Reauthorization – All-Cargo Airline Perspective The Cargo Airline Association strongly urges the following principles be included if any changes in structure and/or funding are made to the FAA: If it is determined that funding should be by user fees assessed on industry members, any such user fees must be cost-based for each user group, with no elements such as “weight” or “ability to pay” included in the user fee calculation. Currently, the all-cargo industry segment pays a 6.25% airwaybill tax that generates approximately 6% of the revenues collected for the Aviation Trust Fund. In turn, the industry uses approximately 6% of the system. The simplest formula would consist of a mileage charge for en route services, plus a terminal charge based on takeoffs and landings. Any new structure should include an aviation industry-controlled Board of Directors comprised of representatives of all industry sectors, including cargo. CAA urges no extraneous amendments Aircraft Noise Restrictions: We oppose any effort to impose new aircraft noise restrictions that may undermine our national aviation and airport system or inhibit the implementation of NextGen modernization projects. Open Skies: We oppose altering the country’s policy of expanding international opportunities through the negotiation of Open Skies Agreements with trading partners. Pilot Fatigue - Retain Part 121: We oppose any provision that would overturn the FAA’s decision to retain Part 121 as the regulatory scheme for cargo pilots’ rest requirements . Transport of lithium batteries: Regulatory scheme must be harmonized with international requirements and cooperative efforts must be made to ensure compliance and enforcement of U.S. Hazmat regulations and ICAO Technical Instructions. .

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