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Glendale district says social media monitoring is for student safety

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1 Glendale district says social media monitoring is for student safety
Article Analysis Week of November 17th-21st

2 Monday Pick up the article on the overhead. Yes, this article is a little longer than articles we have read before. Read and annotate the article. Why would students be interested in this article? What is the main idea of the article?

3 Tuesday What reasoning does the school district use for monitoring the sites? What does Geo Listening do with the information that they find? How doe they find it?

4 Wednesday “He (the director of Geo Listening) stressed that the company monitors only publicly available posts and isn’t peeking into private correspondence or hacking into accounts. The company gathers what students are putting out there for the world to see.” Respond to this quote found on page 2 about half way down.

5 Thursday “But, discipline students for posts made outside of school could infringe upon the student’s free speech rights.” Respond to this quote found on the last page of the article.

6 Friday What is your opinion of the article?
Have your vocabulary activities and warm- up out on desk. Study your list 5 root words.

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