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2012 Sarasota Chalk Festival Overview Sarasota City Commission

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Sarasota Chalk Festival Overview Sarasota City Commission"— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Sarasota Chalk Festival Overview Sarasota City Commission
for Sarasota City Commission October 1, 2012

2 2012 Sarasota Chalk Festival Road Closing Schedule Overview
Topics day-by-day phased street closures for the Chalk Festival request for waiver of city fees proposal for The Road Paved in Art "A Fading Engagement“

3 Chalk Festival will be closing streets
in a phased fashion from through 11.6 The following slides describe the day-by-day street closures and note what access will remain open during the Chalk Festival. 10.28 through Street Closures 11.2 through Street Closures 11.3 and Street Closures 11.5 and Street Closures

4 10.28 through 11.1 - Street Closure Plan
What will be closed? Pineapple just north of Selby Lane to just south of Dolphin Burns Court south entrance What will remain open? drivers will be able to use Pineapple to Oak and Selby Lane and will be able to exit at Burns Court north entrance Dolphin will be open to Pineapple and intersection 10.28 through Street Closure Plan

5 10.28 through 11.1 - Street Closure Plan

6 11.2 through 11.4 - Street Closure Plan
What will be closed? Pineapple from Orange to just south of the entrance to Burns Court Dolphin at parking lot entrances (west exit at the Dolphin building) Selby Lane (just a small strip) to L Boutique parking lot, but not all the way to the T-intersection at Pineapple Oak to the parking lot entrance at Gia Ventola (just a small strip) at 2 p.m. Laurel to Orange alley between Dolphin and Laurel What will remain open? drivers on Oak still can exit Oak (which is one way) through Gia Ventola parking lot 11.2 through Street Closure Plan

7 11.2 through 11.4 - Street Closure Plan

8 11.3 and 11.4 - Street Closure Plan
What will be closed? Pineapple from Orange to south of Burns Court north entrance Oak from Pineapple to Palm, Selby Lane strip and Burns Court south entrance Laurel, Dolphin, Cross, and two alleys between Laurel and Dolphin Dolphin and Cross from Pineapple to Orange What will remain open? Pineapple to Burns Court heading south, to Selby Lane to Palm Orange to Ringling 11.3 and Street Closure Plan

9 11.3 and 11.4 - Street Closure Plan

10 11.5 and 11.6 - Street Closure Plan
What will be closed? Pineapple just north of Oak to just south of Dolphin small strip of Selby Lane and Burns Court south entrance What will remain open? drivers have full access to Oak again from Pineapple drivers have full access to Dolphin again from Pineapple drivers can access Burns Court from Palm and Burns Court north entrance 11.5 and Street Closure Plan

11 11.5 and 11.6 - Street Closure Plan

12 Request for city waiver of permit fees that do not require city personnel
as outlined at our last presentation, the Chalk Festival is a nonprofit that brings art to Sarasota and has a large economic impact by driving city sales tax revenue and merchant sales Chalk Festival will be paying for a substantial number of police staff throughout the event as previously requested, we ask that the commission agree to waive the city permit fees

13 The Road Paved in Art "A Fading Engagement“
proposal related to leaving artwork on road after event Chalk Festival will promote the “Fading Engagement” on its website and through media outlets three traffic-calming locations, removing five parking spaces and creating pedestrian viewing locations along Pineapple to allow viewing, will be set up and maintained by Chalk Festival volunteers suggest lowering of speed limit to 20 mph suggest signs as shown and discussed with city staff 30-day initial period, subject to discretion of the city manager on shorter or longer time period Chalk Festival agrees to remove all artwork at the end of the period determined, upon notice from the city manager

14 The Road Paved in Art "A Fading Engagement"

15 The Road Paved in Art "A Fading Engagement“
Thank You! Questions ?

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