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The Bohr Model, Wave Model, and Quantum Model

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1 The Bohr Model, Wave Model, and Quantum Model
Sections The Bohr Model, Wave Model, and Quantum Model

2 Objectives Draw Bohr Models Describe the wave behavior of matter
Arrange electrons in an atom Identify energy levels Apply Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Describe the quantum mechanical model

3 Key Terms Ground state Excited states Matter waves momentum
Uncertainty principle Wave functions Probability density Electron density Orbitals Electron shell subshell

4 Bohr Model of the Atom In 1913 Niels Bohr proposed quantum model for the H atom Bohr proposed H atom has only certain allowable energy states Lowest state= ground state Gaining energy = excited state

5 Bohr Model of the Atom Electrons move in certain, specific, circular orbitals Smaller orbit = lower energy level Assigned the allowable electron orbitals the principle quantum number, n. 1st orbit= lowest energy: n=1 2nd orbit= 2nd lowest energy: n=2

6 Bohr Model of the Atom Energy is added to an atomelectron moves to higher energy level Electron in “excited state” drops to a lower energy orbit emits a photon E = E higher-energy orbit – E lower-energy orbit= E photon= h


8 Bohr Model of the Atom Problems with Bohr’s model Only explained H
Did not explain why electrons should only be allowed certain, specific energy levels

9 De Broglie 1924 Electrons, like light also had a particle-wave dual nature Only multiples of half wavelengths are allowed in circular orbits


11 1 half-wavelength 2 half-wavelengths 3 half-wavelengths

12 De Broglie Formulated an equation for the wavelength, mass, and velocity of a particle

13 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Fundamentally impossible to know precisely both the velocity AND position of a particle at the same time. Cannot measure an object without disturbing it

14 Quantum Mechanical Model
1926 Schrödinger Limited electrons to only certain energy levels Atomic orbital: 3 dimensional area around the nucleus that predicts the 90 % PROBABLE location of an electron

15 Electron Density Diagram

16 Quantum Mechanical Model
Assigns principal quantum numbers (n) relative to sizes and energies of orbitals (n) specifies atom’s major energy levels= principle energy levels Lowest level= ground state= n= 1 H has 7 energy levels, n= 1 to 7

17 Quantum Mechanical Model
Principal energy levels contain energy sublevels Principal energy level 1 has 1 sublevel Principal energy level 2 has 2 sublevels Principal energy level 3 has 3 sublevels

18 Energy Sublevels s, p, d, and f
Labeled according to shapes of orbitals s = spherical p = dumbbell d and f = not all have same shape

19 s and p orbitals

20 Three p orbitals

21 d orbitals

22 Energy Sublevels Each orbital contains 2 electron at most
Principal energy level 1 has 1 sublevel: 1s orbital Principal energy level 2 has 2 sublevels: 2s and 2p 2p sublevel has 3 dumbbell-shaped p orbitals (2px, 2py, and 2pz) Principal energy level 3 has 3 sublevels: 3s, 3p, and 3d d sublevels have 5 orbitals Principal energy level 4 has 4 sublevels: 4s, 4p, 4d, and 4f f sublevels have 7 orbitals

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