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MEXICO TO THE USA Why do people try to cross the border illegally ? What are the push factors ? What are the pull factors ?

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Presentation on theme: "MEXICO TO THE USA Why do people try to cross the border illegally ? What are the push factors ? What are the pull factors ?"— Presentation transcript:



3 MEXICO TO THE USA Why do people try to cross the border illegally ? What are the push factors ? What are the pull factors ?



6 What would make you risk a crossing ?
Around 1, people a year are caught by the Border Patrol trying to cross the border. Many of these are repeat offenders. What do you think American’s think of the ‘illegal aliens’ or ‘pollos’ as they are called ?

7 The border at night

8 Creative Writing... You are now to begin a piece of creative writing about migration from Mexico to the USA. Imagine that you are one of the many Mexicans desperate to get into the USA, bearing in mind the numerous push and pull factors that you are aware of…. You cannot cross the border legally; you must sneak across. You are to produce a piece of writing telling the story of how you managed to cross the border (or not!!)

9 How to write creatively…
use the past tense first person viewpoint (ie. “I”) in chronological order (ie. Order of time) opening paragraph: describe your situation, feelings and plans 2nd paragraph: start of your journey, perhaps mentioning push factors 3rd paragraph: journey over the border, still mentioning push but also pull factors use adjectives to project the mood and describe your feelings include lots of your feelings; how would you feel if you got caught??

10 Try to include: Details of the push factors that are making you want to move. Think about money, housing, crime, employment opportunities, natural hazards (earthquakes), transport systems What was attracting you towards the USA (pull factors) ? How you travelled over the border ? Any danger you experienced along the way; did you meet the border patrols, did you pay a ‘coyote’ to help ? What you did if you managed to cross the border

11 A statement to the border patrol, or in court
Final 3 slides adapted from Carly Goodwin’s presentation, available from Possible formats: A diary A statement to the border patrol, or in court A letter home An home A poem A phone conversation

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