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How to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gases

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1 How to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gases
By Stephanie Hayes Alisha Plumb Laura Burgazzi Bethany Crow

2 Greenhouse gases are components of the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities such as burning of fossil fuel and coal.

3 Global Warming is linked to the amount of Carbon and other greenhouse gases

4 Climate Change

5 What is Climate change? The climate of the Earth is always changing. In the past it has altered as a result of natural causes. Nowadays, however, the term climate change is generally used when referring to changes in our climate which have been identified since the early part of the 1900's. The changes we've seen over recent years and those which are predicted over the next 80 years are thought to be mainly as a result of human behaviour rather than due to natural changes in the atmosphere.

6 Recycling Recycling is the reprocessing of materials into new products. Recycling prevents useful material resources being wasted, reduces the consumption of raw materials and reduces energy usage, and hence greenhouse gas emissions, compared to virgin production. Recycling is a key concept of modern waste management and is the third component of the waste hierarchy.

7 What effects it has The increase in our planet’s temperature has already caused seas to rise, making floods more frequent and severe. And as the temperature gets hotter, it’s predicted that we’ll see more extreme weather – with wetter winters and drier summers.

8 The animals it affects Global warming effects the whole planet not just us humans. Most of the animals it affects are furred animals like: polar bears or wolves. Because they live on the ice and the ice caps are melting, slowly but surely.

9 Help Save Our Planent NOW!!!!!

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