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Meeting the Challenge: Tools and Resources to Aid in Your Success

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the Challenge: Tools and Resources to Aid in Your Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the Challenge: Tools and Resources to Aid in Your Success
Erika Weber Melanie J. Penoyar, CAE

2 Section Membership Challenge
In 2015, Sections are challenged to meet two goals by December 31, 2015: Meet year-end membership count Achieve 1st-year member retention rate of 62% Individual Actives (Grade 02) Operations/Administrative (Grade 06)

3 Section Membership Challenge
Getting Started Review and communicate challenge goals to your Section Membership Committee. Develop a 2015 Membership Action Plan that focuses on achieving goals.

4 Section Membership Challenge
Rules Your Section must submit a 2015 Membership Action Plan by March 31, 2015. Meet goals outlined for your Section. Receive recognition and incentive cash at the 2016 Membership Summit.

5 Section Responsibilities
Communicate with new members Recognize new members Push new members to engage Thank new members annually in Q4

6 Membership Calendar Use to help facilitate planning
Focus efforts on monthly/quarterly outcomes Use calendar and template to aid in your success

7 Monthly Communications & Data
Membership Update Things to Know, Current Promotions, New Member List Sent to Membership Chairs and Staff Month End Reports Section Membership Dashboard, Section Challenge Status, List of the 1st Year members you are challenged to renew Sent to Section Chairs, Membership Chairs, and Staff Late Organizations

8 Section Membership Dashboard
Data relevant to your Section Provides trending information not available in the Section Database Share this information with your Board of Directors Give us feedback to make the report better meet your needs

9 Section Challenge Status
Monitor how you are tracking to your Section Challenge goals

10 1st Year Member List Monitor who is up for renewal and who has renewed

11 Section Database

12 Membership Tools

13 Membership Tools Applications and Brochures Summit Presentations
Current Member Engagement Guide Committee and Planning Tools Talking Points Campaign Tools Presentations Samples and Templates Member Appreciation Resources

14 Section Conferences & Events
Booths and Banners AWWA in a Box 90-Day Trial Membership Forms No Water No Shower travel bags ACE15 Journal/Opflow Current AWWA marketing material

15 Training Opportunities
Membership Summit Leading for Growth at ACE Webinars Quarterly As needed by your Section

16 Contact Us Membership Materials Membership Marketing
JoAnn Galindo Membership Marketing Devon Broderick Membership Training Melanie Penoyar Data and Database Erika Weber Organizational Renewal Matt Hemmendinger Utility Recruitment Andy Chase

17 Don’t Forget Membership Action Plan Summary Due March 31, 2015

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