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AGENDA Advantages/Benefits of Learning Village Unit Structure
Alignment with Standards Classroom Implementation Up to 15 min. can be used for this section on Advantages/Benefits Slides were included in the District Focused training in August, but the Learning Village site has been revised since that training. This will show slides of the new windows (as of 10/4/10). We will also take a closer look at the resources available, the structure of the units, and the background and teacher helps. In addition we will discuss the implementation of the framework units in the classroom.
What are the advantages/benefits of Learning Village?
Quality of the tasks and units Aligned with the GPS – getting to rigor of GPS Assistance with planning instruction Background information for tasks Differentiation 3 – 5 min. Have teachers talk about the advantages and benefits of Learning Village BEFORE clicking on items 1 – 3. The next slides have other advantages/benefits.
Learning Village
What is available in Learning Village?
Links to the following materials can be found on the Home page of Learning Village: Mathematics and ELA standards Mathematics and ELA REVISED framework units Mathematics and ELA curriculum maps Links to frequently used web sites for Mathematics and ELA Mathematics vertical alignment charts Mathematics classroom and training videos Mathematics parent letters Links to Mathematics and ELA webinars Middle school mathematics webcasts From the LV website
Learning Village –
Q1 Grade 3 Mathematics Learning Village – District-Focused Mathematics and Science Professional Learning To get to Learning Village-- 1- First one must go to the home pages of 2- Click on Learning Village in the Quick Links section. Atlanta Public Schools
Q1 Grade 3 Mathematics District-Focused Mathematics and Science Professional Learning Not only may you access this page via the GaDOE page shown on the previous slide, it is also a direct link shown on the Math and Science Web Page: This link is also easily accessed by scrolling to the bottom of the APS home page and clicking Math & Science under STRATEGIC INITIATIVES. Atlanta Public Schools
How do you set up an account for Learning Village?
A MyGaDOE Portal Account is necessary for Learning Village access. During the sign-up process you will be asked to supply your social security number for purposes of verification of certification and employment status with the Professional Standards Commission. You will also need a current school/system address. Many may have already established an account. This gives rationale for the purpose of providing the social security number.
Q1 Grade 3 Mathematics District-Focused Mathematics and Science Professional Learning If you have not already registered for an account, click on “sign up for an account” Atlanta Public Schools
This is a screen shot of the first page of Learning Village including the Elluminate session calendar and Curriculum Resources for the core content areas.
Elluminate Webinar View a recorded Learning Village webinar on Elluminate website Teachers can click on the Elluminate calendar to find and view a recorded session.
When teachers click on Mathematics on the first page, they see this screen. There is an announcement dealing with high school ExPresSS, and links to the Common Core GPS (CCGPS) Alignment documents. The CCGPS Alignment documents are downloadable per grade level.
Scrolling down the mathematics page, you see the additional resources available.
The grade level bands contain the resources shown.
Scrolling further down the grade band page, Internet Resources are available.
To get to the framework units, you have to click on the grade level.
Q1 Grade 3 Mathematics District-Focused Mathematics and Science Professional Learning The Curriculum Map and Parent Letters appear on the screen. Some of the units are still under construction. Teachers should use the APS Curriculum Map instead of the Curriculum Maps on Learning Village. The APS Curriculum Map is more specific. The new units, however, have additional teacher resources and guides. They have differentiation strategies, questions, additional tasks, and some rubrics for the tasks. The handouts are print-ready, in portrait layout. Atlanta Public Schools
LEARNING VILLAGE Advantages/Benefits of Learning Village
Unit Structure Alignment with Standards Classroom Implementation 15 min. may have elapsed. 12 min. for this section for Unit Structure We will also take a closer look at the structure of the units.
When you click on the unit in the curriculum map, you see the printable teacher edition.
Frameworks The Revised frameworks are in portrait view and include items listed on the slide.
10 min. – Discuss each one and allow time for teachers to ask questions or comments.
A table of contents identifies where the various sections can be found in addition to the page numbers for finding the different tasks. The units are quite long with all of the components available. Discuss each of the sections of the units. Overview – lists what students will do in the unit Enduring Understandings – gives a big picture of the understanding students should have upon completion of the unit Essential Questions – This includes a comprehensive list of the EQs in the unit. One or more of the essential questions may be used for the daily lessons. One or more essential questions are included with each tasks. Concepts and Skills to Maintain - Students should have prior knowledge/experience related to the concepts and skills identified in this section Selected Terms and Symbols - Since content vocabulary is critical to student achievement, emphasize the importance of developing the vocabulary identified in the Selected Terms and Symbols. Classroom Routines – The importance of daily routines and practices in mathematics instruction is emphasized. Strategies for Teaching and Learning – Students should be actively engaged in mathematics in the ways identified. Literature Connections – Some units include a list of books associated with the unit. Evidence of Learning - Students should be able to demonstrate the competencies identified here. ** To assure that this unit is taught with the appropriate emphasis, depth, and rigor, it is important that the competencies listed under “Evidence of Learning” be reviewed early in the planning process. Tasks – The tasks are listed along with type of task, student grouping, and topics/skills addressed by the task.
LEARNING VILLAGE Advantages/Benefits of Learning Village
Unit Structure Alignment with Standards Classroom Implementation 27 min. may have elapsed 5 min. for the section Each unit is aligned to GPS.
The Key Standards are identified following the Unit Overview.
Discuss the first paragraph under Standards Addressed in the Unit. Stress that teachers should revisit and emphasize the connections among mathematics topics. DISCUSS how the overview and the key standards should influence student assessment. Assessment should be designed based on what the students should know and be able to do. The standards and overview should guide the development of assessments to align with the standards. Be sure to
In Related standards are also identified for the units.
LEARNING VILLAGE Advantages/Benefits of Learning Village
Unit Structure Alignment with Standards Classroom Implementation 12 – 14 min. for this section Each slide with exception of the slide for Questions should take 1 – 2 min. There are a number of items to support the implementation of the units and tasks within the unit in the framework units.
1 min. Many teachers find this page extremely helpful in planning to implement the framework units in the classroom. This “Quick Glance” page delineates: the skills addressed in the tasks the type of task it is Learning Performance Grouping strategy Whole group Partner individual
.5 min. The standards addressed in each task are identified.
1 min. Essential questions, Materials needed, grouping suggestions, and the task description, development, and discussion are provided for each task. The task description, development, and discussion provides information about how the task might be implemented as a learning task or performance task. It includes comments about the task and background knowledge students might have along with ways of introducing/implementing the task.
1 min. This is an example of the teacher notes available in 4th grade, Unit 2. This provides information about ways of looking at the partial products with the “hidden arrays.”
.5 min. Possible student solutions are provided. Tasks directions are also provided.
1 min. Some comments sections include research to support the use of the task and the conceptual development of the topic being addressed in the task. This description refers to the National Research Council’s work.
Questions Questions/Prompts for Formative Student Assessment (example)
Can you describe smaller arrays hidden inside the larger array? Questions for Teacher Reflection (example) Can students effectively describe partial products in an array model? What signs are my students demonstrating that show they are ready to move to more abstract representations of double-digit multiplication? 5 min. to discuss the questions and how they can be used as examples for other units. Units, especially the elementary units, provide questions/prompts for formative student assessments. The examples provide ideas for questions for those units that don’t provide the questions. Talk with a neighbor about how these examples can provide guidance for questions for other units. 4th grade, Unit 2, page 36
As soon as students seem ready to move away from the concrete representations of base ten blocks to more abstract ones, allow them to do so. Encourage them to find other ways to represent their products and to model these other ways for their peers. 1 min. Ways of differentiating the task are provided. There are suggestions for extending the task. Consider the strengths of your students to determine the ways of extending the tasks. 4th grade, Unit 2, page 36
1 min. Intervention suggestions are also available. However, you will need to consider the knowledge of your individual students to provide the differentiation that will benefit your students.
1 min. Training videos are also available for clarification of the standards or discussion of the tasks.
Reflections on Learning Village
Planning and Implementation
How are you currently using Learning Village? How can using the units assist you in your planning? What are additional ways you will use Learning Village? 10 min. Have teachers discuss each of the questions one at a time. They should appear one at a time. The teachers should recognize that the units include comments, background information, solutions, etc. and ways of differentiating the tasks that can beneficial to them in planning instruction.
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