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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Punnett Squares Topic 3 Blood Type Vocabulary

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Punnett Squares Topic 3 Blood Type Vocabulary
Genotype and phenotype Punnett Squares Topic 3 Incomplete And codominance Blood Type Vocabulary $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 Brown eyes – genotype or phenotype? Phenotype

3 1 - $200 TT – genotype of phenotype? genotype

4 1 - $300 In plants, tall (T) is dominant to short (t) Genotype – Tt
What is the genotype AND phenotype of a plant that is heterozygous for the trait? Genotype – Tt Phenotype - Tall

5 1 - $400 15. A true-breeding tall pea plant is crossed with a true-breeding short pea plant, and all the offspring are tall. What is the most likely genotype of the offspring assuming a single-gene trait? tt TT Tt TT or tt Tt

6 1 - $500 Two plants with the genotypes TT and Tt
have all recessive alleles. would have the same phenotype. have all dominant alleles. would have different phenotypes. Would have the same phenotype

7 2 - $100 A Punnett Square shows all of the following EXCEPT:
The genotypes of the offspring The alleles in the gametes of each parent The actual results of a genetic cross All possible results of a genetic cross The ACTUAL results of a genetic cross

8 2 - $200 If two heterozhous individuals are crossed, what percent of their offspring are also expected to be heterozygous? 50%

9 2 - $300 In humans, PTC tasting is dominant. Cross a homozygous PTC non-tasting person with a heterozygous PTC tasting person. How many people will be PTC tasting? 2/4

10 2 - $400 If you cross two heterozygous PTC tasting people what are the genotypic ratio of the offspring? 1:2:1

11 2 - $500 In mink, bfown fur color is dominant to sliver-blue fur color. If a homozygous brown mink is mated with a silver-blue mink and 8 offspring are produced, how many would be expected to be silver-blue? 0 (they will all be heterozygous and brown)

12 3 - $100 In codominance a red bull (RR) is mated with a white cow (WW) and they produce roan, or spotted, calves. What is the genotype for roan? RW

13 3 - $200 In incomplete dominance, a red flower (RR) is crossed with a white flower (WW) and their offspring are all pink. What is the genotype for pink? Be specific! RW

14 3 - $300 With incomplete dominance, if a red flower is pollinated with a yellow flower, how would their offspring look? All orange

15 3 - $400 Type of inheritance? Incomplete dominance

16 3 - $500 Type of inheritance? Codominance

17 4 - $100 Which blood alleles are dominant? A and B A B O A and B
A, B and O A and B

18 4 - $200 Which of the following genotypes results in the same phenotypes? IAIA AND IAIB IBIB AND IAIA IBIB AND IBi IBi and ii IBIB AND IBi

19 4 - $300 What blood type is the universal donor? O

20 4 - $400 A man is heterozygous for blood type A and marries a woman heterozygous for blood type B. What is the chance that they will have a baby with blood type O? (give percent) 25%

21 4 - $500 which slide shows the blood of a person who can safely receive any type of blood in a transfusion? Person 3, AB

22 5 - $100 The genetic makeup of an individual is it’s? Genotype

23 5 - $200 The form of a gene that can overpower the other form and be shown in a heterozygote? Dominant

24 5 - $300 Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be? Homozygous

25 5 - $400 A useful device for predicting the possible offspring of crosses between different genotypes Punnett square

26 5 - $500 Law that states that during gamete formation genes for different traits separate without influencing each other’s inheritance (at random)? Law of Independent Assortment

27 Final Jeopardy Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

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