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Malignant rolandic-sylvian epilepsy (MRSE) differs from BECTS and LKS in its refractoriness to medication, clusters of seizures, change in semiology, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Malignant rolandic-sylvian epilepsy (MRSE) differs from BECTS and LKS in its refractoriness to medication, clusters of seizures, change in semiology, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Malignant rolandic-sylvian epilepsy (MRSE) differs from BECTS and LKS in its refractoriness to medication, clusters of seizures, change in semiology, and secondarily generalized seizures. After careful observation over at least 5 years, surgery is considered to control refractory seizures.174 The clinical and EEG features that point to symptomatic focal epilepsy are (1) presence of subtle neuropsychological deficit or oromotor apraxia, (2) seizures starting with symptoms evoking an onset outside the opercular region, (3) presence of atypical absences or focal hypomotor seizures, (4) background EEG abnormalities, (5) presence of unusual fast activity, (6) morphological modification of the centro-temporal spikes during sleep, (7) enhancement of slow waves following the spike/recurrence of spikes in trains, (8) intermittent slow-wave focus, (9) frontalization of the spikes, (10) diffuse discharges of slow-spike-slow-wave complexes, (11) continuous spike and waves during slow sleep (CSWS), (12) polymorphisms of the ictal discharge, and (13) severe postictal depression.175 Source: Focal Epilepsy, Atlas of Pediatric EEG Citation: Laoprasert P. Atlas of Pediatric EEG; 2011 Available at: Accessed: November 02, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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