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UKS2 Topic: Dinosaurs & Fossils Block E: Ice Age Fossils Session 1

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Presentation on theme: "UKS2 Topic: Dinosaurs & Fossils Block E: Ice Age Fossils Session 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 UKS2 Topic: Dinosaurs & Fossils Block E: Ice Age Fossils Session 1
William Buckland UKS2 Topic: Dinosaurs & Fossils Block E: Ice Age Fossils Session 1 © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Ammonites The top picture shows an ammonite fossil.
The bottom picture shows what the ammonite looked like when it was alive.

3 Corpus Christi College, Oxford

4 Geological strata Buckland colour-coded his diagram of the layers of rock and matched them to the type of fossils found in them.

5 Hyena The top image is a hyena skull.
The bottom image is of a hyena yawning.

6 Megalosaurus The top picture is how Buckland thought Megalosaurus looked. The bottom picture is how we think it looked now we know more about dinosaurs.

7 Mary Buckland The picture above is an illustration by Mary Buckland of the jaw of a Megalosaurus. The photograph, right, is of Mary in 1857.

8 Glacier

9 Francis Buckland

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