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The War of 1812 “Mr. Madison’s War”.

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1 The War of 1812 “Mr. Madison’s War”

2 America's Second War for Independence?

3 Causes of the War

4 1. Napoleonic Wars Fighting between Britain and France leads to blockade in Europe Napoleon keeps British goods out of Europe; Britain keeps French ships from leaving France or goods from entering British seize ~ 1,000 American ships

5 2. British Impressment Brits have an annoying habit of capturing U.S. sailors & drafting them into the Royal Navy

6 3. Chesapeake Incident British fire on USS Chesapeake after being denied entry Kill 3 Americans, wound 18 TJ’s Response: British ships cannot dock in American ports Asks governors to call up state militias

7 4. The Embargo Act (1807) TJ puts ban on EXPORTING all goods to foreign nations Thought it would hurt European economies & make them realize how much they needed the U.S. Not so much…..hurts us even more. Lifted in 1809

8 4. The Embargo Act (1807) Turn to your partner: What is this cartoon saying about the Embargo Act?

9 5. The Non-Intercourse Act (1809)
Passed in last 4 days of TJ’s presidency Lifted Embargo Act EXCEPT with Fr. & Br. Hurt our economy BUT helped us industrialize

10 1808 – James Madison Elected
“Withered little apple” ~ Washington Irving

11 Dolly Madison: The President’s Greatest Asset

12 6. Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811 General William Henry Harrison  governor of the Indiana Territory. Invited Native Indian chiefs to Ft. Wayne, IN to sign away 3 mil. acres of land to the US government. Tecumseh organized a confederacy of Indian tribes to fight for their homelands. Tecumseh’s brother the Prophet fought against Harrison and was defeated at Tippecanoe. This made Harrison a national hero!

13 British General Brock Meets with Tecumseh
Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811 British supplying Indians with weapons British General Brock Meets with Tecumseh

14 7. “War Hawks” John C. Calhoun [SC] Henry Clay [KY] “On to Canada!”
Congressmen call for war against Britain John C. Calhoun [SC] Henry Clay [KY] “On to Canada!”


16 Presidential Election of 1812

17 “Mr. Madison’s War!”

18 American Problems The US was unprepared militarily:
Had a 12-ship navy vs. Britain’s 800 ships. Americans disliked a draft  preferred to enlist in the disorganized state militias. Financially unprepared: Flood of paper $. Revenue from import tariffs declined. Regional disagreements.

19 Overview of the War of 1812 1811 – Tippecanoe 1814 – Northeast
– The Great Lakes/Canada/Blockade of east coast Battle of the Thames – Death of Tecumseh 1814 – Northeast 1814 – Baltimore & Washington Battle of Ft. McHenry – Push British from Chesapeake 1815 – New Orleans

20 British Burn the White House, 1814

21 Battle of Fort McHenry, 1814 Oh Say Can You See By the Dawn’s Early Light… Francis Scott Key

22 Gave proof through the night, That our flag was still there..

23 Hartford Convention December, 1814 – January, 1815
NEW ENGLAND CONSIDERS SECESSION! Unhappy with trade acts passed by Congress Opposed War of 1812 Signing of the Treaty of Ghent discredits the members of the convention and signals the end of the Federalist Party

24 Treaty of Ghent December 24, 1814
Returns the “status quo antebellum” Trade opens again shortly afterwards

25 The Battle of New Orleans, 1815
News moves verrrryy slow  battle is fought after Treaty of Ghent is signed Andrew Jackson makes a name for himself

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