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Preschool Emotional Development

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Presentation on theme: "Preschool Emotional Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preschool Emotional Development

2 All Preschoolers Love learning and playing with language and jokes
Feel badly when criticized by adults How do you know if there's an elephant under your bed? You bump your nose on the ceiling !!!!!!

3 4-year-olds Independent decision makers; they have the skills to do more for themselves They are often self-centered, impatient, defiant, boastful, argumentative, and competitive Also extremely loving and affectionate

4 4-year-olds (cont.) Moods are constantly changing
Angry then loving Mature then babyish Love language and jokes When treated like they are more mature they act that way.

5 5- year-olds More practical, sympathetic, and serious
Longer attention span and memory helps them complete tasks More able to have a conversation Confidant, but still seek adult approval

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