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Outline of NMCs Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Outline of NMCs Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline of NMCs Presentation
Operational capacity (24/7?) (3-4 Slides) Observing stations and types (e.g. Synoptic, upper air, AWS, Radars etc.) Forecasting capability (accessibility to global NWP products and satellite information, internet status, forecasters’ workstation, forecast preparation , verification of forecast etc.) Major hydrometeorological hazards Human resources (Observers, forecasters, NWP experts, IT staff, etc.) NMC contingency plan Service delivery (3-4 slides) Dissemination of forecasts and warnings (Tele/fax, NMC website, s, mobile phones, use of CAP etc.) Thresholds for warnings (e.g. Heavy rainfall, strong wind, high waves, dry/wet spell etc.) Status of coordination and engagement with users (e.g. media, general public, disaster management and civil protection, hydrology etc.) Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) among NMC and disaster management and civil protection and other relevant agencies? Expectations from SWFDP-Eastern Caribbean (3-4 slides) Need of additional NWP and Nowcasting products from Global and Regional centres Requirement for any weather work station for forecasters Expectations from RFSF Martinique and RSMC Miami (for hurricanes/TC) in terms of Guidance Capacity building needs including from RFSF and CIMH Any other need

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