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Prepared by : Chua Wei Ying

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1 Prepared by : Chua Wei Ying
The effects of total quality management on the business performance: An application in the province of Kütahya Prepared by : Chua Wei Ying

2 7 Performance Dimensions
The Relationship Between Total Quality Management and Performance Dimensions output oriented and input oriented little resources, but more output Efficient utilization of resources, ensure safety of product, customer satisfaction Job enrichment, representation staff in board of management More creative of higher quality product and meet customer needs Careful consideration of various factors determining profit and maintain at necessary level. Effectiveness Efficiency and utilization of resources Productivity Quality Quality of work life Innovation Profitability and budget compliance 7 Performance Dimensions

3 Application 1. Leadership correlation
1. Study Model 2. Study Method 1. Leadership correlation 2. Staff participation correlation 3. Staff training correlation 4. Customer focus correlation 5. Effect on business performance RESULT Significant and positive correlation ↑customer demand → ↑high quality product → ↑competitiveness Both customer will reinforce company to emphasize product quality issue ↑quality →↑customer satisfaction & loyalty→ ↓ demand elasticity → ↑profits (expensive products) Must emphasize on TQM TQM training and leadership criteria have ↑ correlation with performance Ensure staff receive necessary training on quality & support continuous improvement under leadership of top management

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