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The Mind, Illusion and the Need for Science

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Presentation on theme: "The Mind, Illusion and the Need for Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mind, Illusion and the Need for Science
By Jonathan Lomax



4 Why Do People Believe Strange Things?

5 Gallup Poll 1990 1236 Adult Americans
Astrology Extrasensory Perception Witches Aliens Have Landed on Earth Atlantis Dinosaurs and Humans Alive Together Noah’s Flood Communication with the Dead Ghosts Had a Psychic Experience 52% 46% 19% 22% 33% 41% 65% 42% 35% 67%


7 Chance and Self Importance

8 Lethal disease effects one in ten thousand people.
Medical test is 99% accurate.

9 Association

10 Hope Springs Eternal

11 Creationism

12 The balance argument. The either or argument. The 2nd law argument. The religion argument. The disagreement argument. The microevolution argument. The transitional fossils argument


14 Psychics

15 Alternate Medicine

16 What’s the problem?

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