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Helpific Tech for Common Good.

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1 Helpific Tech for Common Good

2 Digital transformation in the social sector
International Impact Company

3 Problem & Solution People with disabilities & mental health problems have difficulties maintaining independent life in the community without support. The number of people being affected in different disabilities is growing steadily & the existing social welfare systems are unable to follow the increasing costs of long term care services. Helpific as web-based platform helps to: mobilize resources in local communities; increase the social capital of individuals with disabilities & mental health problems; contribute to better social integration.

4 New Future An open online marketplace implements:
innovation (doing something in new way); sharing economy (internationally one of the fastest growing forms of business); ICT opportunities – to shape the future of the social welfare system.

5 The Citizens of Future Will use digital technology to find the information they need; access products and services that work well for them; review and rate them for their peers. Transforming today’s models - organising information & resources, analysing data, empowering citizens.

6 Addressing Social Problems
Estonia - very strong ecosystem of start-ups. The digital „tsunami“ has swept through banking, transport, travel etc - yet the social sector remains quite as „poor puppy“, internationally. Demands on services are increasing, the funding available to support is decreasing. Social problems are complex, digital technology needs to be turned as strengthening & coordinating „tool“.

7 Addressing Social Problems
Help needed via Helpific: 31,4% Guide (cultural events, dealing with public authorities etc) 25,7% Help in domestic operations (shopping, preparing food, washing windows etc) 27,1% Transport 15,8% Other kind of help (coaching & counseling in experiences, personal hygiene, wheelchair driving, moving stairs, making phone conversations, job search, translation activities)


9 Demands According to the Statistics of Estonia, ca people with disabilities live in Estonia. 1/3 of working person with special needs would need some kind of help in coping with the current job. The majority of people with special needs are helped by family members in everyday life. 1/3 need „independent living" services, 2 h per day = ca 728 h per year (for a person) and a total million h of service per year.

10 Necessary Modification
Social, political, legislative: participation of the unemployed in social welfare based on sharing economy principles (the status does not stop, the benefits will not be lost); performance requirement – people with special need; free market for the provision of services, personal budgeting; permanent volunteers in social sector (as volunteer rescuers); working relationships are changing - Z-generation representatives (born after 1995) are looking for other ways to earn income.

11 Digital Culture Change - Social Sector
Creating common resources & using ICT to change the way we deliver services; creating a two way dialogue between service & service user; allows people to influence & improve services; services are visible, the design process starts with the need of users. - Building the right infrastructure to support change

12 Making Users the Decision Maker
Digital platforms allow information to be quickly & regularly shared on a large scale; investing minimal time in sourcing; users make their needs & opinions known directly to providers; † services fit the needs. - Targeting services more effectively, demonstrating impact & improving services by fitting them into the surrounding ecosystem

13 Public services as digital by default
Digital products - quickly adopted & adapted with few limitations = can scale globally much more easily than offline solutions. Services are available to everyone that would benefit from them.

14 Smart Digital Products

15 Smart Digital Products

16 Smart Digital Products

17 Smart Digital Products

Thank You! Aitäh!

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