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IDEA Studio Presentatio Grounding Research and Concept Ideation

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Presentation on theme: "IDEA Studio Presentatio Grounding Research and Concept Ideation"— Presentation transcript:

1 IDEA Studio Presentatio Grounding Research and Concept Ideation
Qingwei Kong

2 Amazing Existing Robots In The World
Social Robotics and Cocktail Making ideation Reference

3 Amazing Robots In The World
PR2: (Personal Robotics) by Willow Garage wash and fold clothes, fetch beers and coffee, make a pancake….. (although it does cost $280,000)

4 (“Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.) by Honda
ASIMO (“Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.) by Honda walk (2.7km/hour), run (6km/hour) carry objects pouring water recognize the surrounding environment interact with human beings

5 Social Robotics And Cocktail Making
Barobot: A Cocktail Mixing Robot 12 bottles 150 drinks without refilling 1000+ recipes in database Unlimited fun while partying


7 User choose what they like on the screen
Robot makes cocktail

8 Bionic Bar: robotic bartenders mix up your drinks

9 Can Robotic bartenders replace human bartenders ?

10 Ideas For Robotic Bartender
cocktail party effect : a robot can attend one conversation at a crowded party and then switch to another one. How we will interact with such machine within complex environments. ·Multiple users ·Noisy conditions

11 Dressed Up Cocktail

12 Input: photographs of customer
Output: Cocktail that suit their clothes, hair colors…




16 Medical Condition Cocktail Robot

17 Input: gender, height, weight, body fat, BMI…
Output: Specially-made cocktail keep them health Body Fat Ruler Scale Stethoscope


19 Reference Sakagami Y, Watanabe R, Aoyama C, et al. The intelligent ASIMO: System overview and integration[C]//Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2002, 3: Okuno H G, Nakadai K, Hidai K, et al. Human-robot interaction through real-time auditory and visual multiple-talker tracking[C]//Intelligent Robots and Systems, Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2001, 3: Okuno H G, Nakadai K, Kitano H. Social interaction of humanoid robot based on audio-visual tracking[M]//Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002: Slattery M L, McDonald A, Bild D E, et al. Associations of body fat and its distribution with dietary intake, physical activity, alcohol, and smoking in blacks and whites[J]. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1992, 55(5):

20 Thanks

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