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Middle Colonies Who settled in the Middle Colonies?

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1 Middle Colonies Who settled in the Middle Colonies?
English, Dutch, and German speaking immigrants seeking religious freedom and economic opportunity

2 New York Founded by the Dutch in 1624
The Duke of York was granted a land charter and captured the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam Grew wealthy from being a trading area English took it over in 1664 due to the threat of the Dutch becoming an economic threat

3 New Jersey Founded in 1664 by John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret
Dutch West India Company- Joint Stock Company These men offered religious freedom and large land grants Quakers will buy parts of New Jersey Q: What is a Quaker?

4 Quakers Society of Friends in the New World
Faced persecution in England and New England for their religious beliefs Strongly emphasized a personal relationship with God Believed that God communicated directly with an individual through the "Light Within" or "inner light“ Informal services, no ordained clergy, women allowed to participate in religious services

5 Pennsylvania Founded in 1681 by a Quaker named William Penn
Experiment in religious freedom/equality and protection for Quakers He created Philadelphia as a “city of brotherly love” Philadelphia was the fast growing city due to its shipbuilding industry

6 Delaware Purchased by William Penn
Had been previously settled by the Dutch and Swedes until the English purchased it Penn allowed them to elect their own assembly

7 Economic Characteristics
Middle colonies developed an economy based on shipbuilding, farming, and trading Cash Crops= Grain Middle Colonies also known as the “breadbasket” colonies New York City and Philadelphia grew as seaports/commercial centers

8 Social Characteristics
Middle colonies were home to many religious groups who believed in RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE Quakers (PA); Huguenots and Jews (NY); Presbyterians (NJ) Colonies had more flexible social structure Developed a middle class of small farmers, business owners, and skilled artisans Did not depend on a large slave population Had government based on democratic principals Germans Largest ethnic group in the region Originally came as indentured servants Families settled on inexpensive farmland in western Pennsylvania

9 Political Characteristics
Middle colonies incorporated many democratic principles to reflect basic rights of Englishmen Education Not universal but widespread

10 Southern and Middle Colonies Venn Diagram
Part I Find a partner to work with Draw a Venn Diagram (Refer to the board) Go over your notes/textbook on the Southern and Middle Colonies and complete the Venn Diagram using as much information that you can Part II Find another pair to work with and compare your Venn Diagram Add to your diagram if you find something new

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