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Telehealth Show Me the Money

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1 Telehealth Show Me the Money
Connecting Communities for Better Health Learning Forum and Resource Exhibition Heather Gerhart Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau


3 Awarded over $225 million in grants since 1989
OAT Grant Awards Awarded over $225 million in grants since 1989 FY2004: Approximately $31 million Competitive and congressionally- mandated projects FY2003: 110 programs, in states and District of Columbia

4 TELEVILLAGE TELEHEALTH Business Libraries Public Health Justice K-12
Professional Education K-12 Education Consumer Health Services TELEMEDICINE Business Administration Libraries Public Health Justice

5 Educational and Administrative Uses
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Educational and Administrative Uses Continuing education Patient education Administrative meetings Rural providers can receive continuing education without the need to travel.

6 Real-Time Telemedicine
Patient in rural ER gets benefit of local care plus remote consultation with specialists. Remote doctor examines a patient’s inner ear from a remote location.

7 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration Store-and-Forward Primary care provider takes a still image and sends it to a consulting physician who later reviews it No real time interaction between patient & consultant Commonly used for dermatology, radiology Clinician reviews scan which was forwarded for consultation.

8 Home Health Low-cost equipment that needs only a regular phone line
Used to check vital signs, monitor medications, visualize patient, provide enhanced support Blood pressure, heart and lung sounds, range of motion, wound care Patient and nurse interacting during a “video home visit.”

9 Emerging Technology Applications
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Emerging Technology Applications Emphasis on low cost applications Applications that improve quality of care Integration of information systems within institutions and across health care institutions

10 Inland Northwest Telepharmacy System



U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration MANY FEDERAL AGENCIES FUND TELEHEALTH PROGRAMS NLM NIH AHRQ RUS Commerce TOP ATP DOD VA NASA HRSA CMS CDC

14 Don’t Be Limited To Grants Labeled Telemedicine or Telehealth
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Don’t Be Limited To Grants Labeled Telemedicine or Telehealth AHEC Grants Community Health Centers Nursing Informatics Grants Homeland Security/Disaster Preparedness Rural Development/Hospital Flex Grants Community Access Program Rural Outreach Grants NIH Categorical Grants

15 HRSA Telehealth Inventory
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA Telehealth Inventory “Hidden Telehealth System” Telehealth activities which are not labeled as telehealth programs or activities

16 Preliminary Findings from HRSA Telehealth Inventory

17 Non-Grant Sources of Support
Third Party Payers Medicare Medicaid Private Insurers Workman’s Comp Universal Service Program Contracts Prisons Schools

18 Lessons Learned from Our Grantees
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Lessons Learned from Our Grantees Planning Phase Conduct a targeted needs/ resource assessment Form a clear vision of what you want Ensure that vision “jives” with ‘needs” Involve the community in planning Match technology to needs Strategic Plan/business Model > Develop institutional support The most important lesson I want to share with you today is the need to understand what the market is for services. You need to know your market. And understand what the needs are and what the demand is for services. The targeted needs assessment will provide you with that information. - And it is important to have organizational support. For without that your program is setting itself up for failure.

19 Lessons Learned (continued)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Lessons Learned (continued) Implementation Champion(s) Clinician acceptance Staffing: Site Coordinators, Technical Personnel Visits/encounters should resemble services as usual Close contact with all sites - nurture the partnerships; especially physicians Market, train, market, train! Focus on Value Added Identifying a Clinical Champion is critical to the success of the program. This person or persons will help with clinician acceptance and can be your spokesperson wherever they go. Staffing is important -make sure staff have dedicated time to implement the program and put it in their job descriptions. Market…...

20 Lessons Learned (continued)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Lessons Learned (continued) SUSTAINABILITY Reimbursement Licensure Establish quality, results/outcome measures Develop protocols Training and Technical Assistance Some important lessons on how to survive post Federal funding: When an applicant applies for OAT dollars, they are aware that they will need to develop a strategic/financial plan the first year of operation. Given that requirement, we urge grantees to work with their third party payors to have them to cover the tm consult as if it were a face-to face. Design multiple uses for the system-for instance Maine is contracting with the Correctional system, the dept of mental health and the dept of human services; many programs are using it for continuing education, or applying the technology to special settings. Standardize the process as much as possible and provide training;

21 10 Steps to Writing a Successful Grant Application
Know What Agency is asking for Show how your project fits Agency goals Know What you want to do and why and how you want to do it Review instructions very carefully

22 10 Steps to Writing a Successful Grant Application
Budget realistically Write a clear budget narrative that justifies your budget, but is not endless Do not oversell: Keep expectations reasonable

23 10 Steps to Writing a Successful Grant Application
Understand and convey that you understand limitations in your project Use simple and clear language and do not rely on appendices If partnerships involved, demonstrate real commitment of partners (define contributions in terms of money, roles and responsibilities)


25 CONTACT US Heather Gerhart 5600 Fishers Lane Room 7C-22
Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) Fax: (301) Fax

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