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What should our class behavior system look like?

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Presentation on theme: "What should our class behavior system look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What should our class behavior system look like?
Problem solver #1 What should our class behavior system look like?

2 Scenario You have been tasked with designing our class’ next behavior chart system. There are a lot of things to consider before you begin so take your time and choose wisely…

3 Overall goals The following goals must be met…
Promoting positive behavior will be the focus of our new system A class expectations list must be created An incentive and consequence list must be created A student card is designed to keep parents involved A teacher sheet must be designed to keep Ms. McClear organized Are you up for the challenge??

4 #1 Promoting positive behavior will be the focus of our new system
Brainstorm: What makes you feel good in school? It may be when you’re recognized for doing something good, making a good choice, helping a friend, etc. In our classroom, we want to make sure we recognize our friends when they are being AWESOME! Answer: What do you think we need to do to make sure our new behavior system is promoting and recognizing POSITIVE behavior? What ideas do you have so?

5 #2 A class expectations list must be created
Brainstorm: What are some things that you have been told you HAVE to do in school? For example, you HAVE to be quiet in the hallway or you HAVE to raise your hand to talk. Answer: What are some things that you think you and your classmates HAVE to do in order to have a happy, successful classroom full of awesome learning? Come up with some ideas for each of the following categories: -Morning Arrival/Breakfast -Independent Reading Time -Mini Lesson Time -Lunch -Encore -Recess -Intervention -Dismissal

6 #3 An incentive and consequence list must be created
Brainstorm: What were some of your FAVORITE incentives you’ve received in the past? Doesn’t have to be just in 4th grade! Why did you enjoy those? Now think about some of your least favorite consequences? Why did you not enjoy those? Do you think they were fair? Would you give that consequence to another student? Why or why not? Answer: Create a list of 5 incentives and 5 consequences that you think are fair for our classroom. Also come up with a plan for when students should receive an incentive or a consequence.

7 #4 A student card is designed to keep parents involved
Brainstorm: Think about your above/below the line chart. What would you say are POSITIVE things about the chart? What are some NEGATIVE things or things you would change? Why? Answer: Design a new student card/chart that goes along with your new expectations and behavior system. This card will go home with the students each night and will still need to be signed by a parent each night, therefore it needs to communicate how well the student did at school that day!

8 # 5 A teacher sheet must be designed to keep Ms. McClear organized
Brainstorm: Think about our class above/below the line chart. What would you say are POSITIVE things about the chart? What are some NEGATIVE things or things you would change? Why? Answer: Design a new teacher chart that goes along with your new expectations and behavior system. This card will stay at school and be used by the teacher to track student behavior.

9 Final product After you have finished and completed all the goals, you must then create a final product ready to present to Ms. McClear and your peers. Get creative! Here are some possible presentation ideas… -Create samples of what your “product” looks like (example: the student cards, the teacher sheet) -Powerpoint presentation -Poster -Video explaining your new system

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