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Read the extract that’s in front of you…

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Presentation on theme: "Read the extract that’s in front of you…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the extract that’s in front of you…
What are the KEY FEATURES of descriptive writing? Connect: 1. Relaxed environment; whole group seating plan. 2. Discussion about own views- justifying opinions. Stick “agree, disagree, strongly agree, strongly disagree” on the wall. 5. Questioning to encourage justification.

2 What is a PEE Paragraph?

3 Swap work with an individual, a pair or a group.
How well does their response meet our success criteria? Write one WWW and one EBI for the work after highlighting the different aspects of the paragraph: Point Evidence Explanation Review and reflect and Connect: 10. Peer assessment.

4 Plenary On a post-it note, write the most effective quote from the extract that you have analysed and explain WHY you think it is so effective. Review and reflect: 10

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