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Roberts Middle School Parent Information Night

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1 Roberts Middle School Parent Information Night
January 19, 2017

2 Registration

Requires purchase/rental of an instrument ORCHESTRA- All Year CHOIR- All Year ART/TECHNOLOGY--Switches at semester Registration Card Deadline: January 20, 2017

4 Bondy 7th Grade Registration
Electives: Band, Choir, Orchestra, Art, Spanish 1, or AVID PE or Athletics: Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Cross Country/Track Registration Card Deadline: January 31st Contact Counselors: Teresa Urquiaga & Margaret Belcher

5 Thompson 7th Grade Registration
Fine Arts: Art, Orchestra, Band, Choir, Graphic Art PE or Athletics: Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Cross Country/Track Elective: Teen Leadership, Dance, Media Productions, Spanish

6 Thompson 7th Grade Registration
Parent Meeting Tuesday, January 6:30pm Registration Card Deadline: January 26th Contact Counselors: Jill Butler & Prudencio Reyna

7 AIR Time


9 AIR Time Procedures o   Students receive Destination Time itinerary electronically during 6th period on Wednesday. o   Teachers notify students required to attend intervention on their priority day on Thursday and initial their itinerary. Monday – SS Tuesday – Math Thursday – Reading Friday – Science o   Students select remaining courses on Destination Time itinerary on Friday during Social Studies.

10 What does this look like?

11 AIR Time Procedures o When the Destination Time bell rings:
If chosen for a Priority Session, refer to folder and report to Priority Session. If not chosen for a Priority Session, refer to folder and report to first choice. If session is full, refer to folder and report to second choice. Must report to a session by tardy bell.

12 AIR Time Consequences o Consequences will be assigned if a student:
Does not attend a course – 5 days lunch detention Does not attend a required course – 1 day lunch detention Attends a course not applicable to student (i.e. band student attends choir DT) – classroom removal Loses folder - $1.00 replacement fee

13 AIR Time Timeline o Student preparation (1/17-1/20)
o   Parent Meeting (1/19) o   Start date (1/23)

14 Upcoming Dates

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