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Welcome to 5th grade. We are so excited to have you here

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th grade. We are so excited to have you here"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th grade. We are so excited to have you here
Welcome to 5th grade! We are so excited to have you here! This year is going to be so much fun and we can’t wait to get started. Ms. Bean and Mrs. Tryon

2 Rules and Expectations
Welcome to the School Year in Mrs. Tryon’s Fifth Grade Class! Rules and Expectations Follow all directions the first time given. Keep hands, feet, objects and unkind words to yourself. Come prepared to learn with all work and supplies. Raise you hand and wait for permission to speak. Let the teacher teach and the students learn. Listen when others are talking.

3 Weekly Special Schedule
Monday: Band/Orchestra 9:55-10:25 Tuesday: Music 2:20- 2:50 Wednesday: Band/Orchestra 9:55-10:25 & PE 10:30-11:00 Thursday: Art/Media Center 9:50-10:50 Friday: P.E. 10:30-11:00 Lunch: 12:16- 12:51 Tech Lab: every day 11:20-11:50 Hi, I’m Mrs. Tryon! Previously known as Ms. Brown but I’m getting married this August  This is my third year teaching at Taft. I am a huge ASU fan. I’m so excited to get to you know all!

4 This year we will be going to Prescott Pines for Outdoor School/Science Camp on May 9th, 10th, & 11th. This trip is so much fun and we will be looking for parent volunteers as it gets closer. In accordance with district and school policy we will be giving homework this year that will be a spiral review. This homework will focus on practicing what we have already learned. We will also be doing vocabulary instead of spelling and will be giving vocabulary tests weekly.

5 You are more than welcome to celebrate your student’s birthday with the class. Please be sure to only bring store bought treats for approximately 30 students (our class numbers often change so feel free to check with me at any time). Through out the year we will need to be restocked with glue sticks, pencils & Kleenex. To start the year we would like for your student to come with: -4 non-spiral composition notebooks -2 plain black/white 2” three ring binders. -Dry erase markers -glue sticks -highlighters (4 pack of different colors) -pencils & erasers Feel free to bring or send any other classroom supplies 

6 5th grade will be sending home twice quarterly progress reports
5th grade will be sending home twice quarterly progress reports. They will need to be signed and returned. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I will return s and phone calls after school hours only.

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