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2.4 Graphs That Enlighten and Graphs That Deceive

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1 2.4 Graphs That Enlighten and Graphs That Deceive
SWBAT construct a scatterplot SWBAT define correlation coefficient SWBAT construct a time-series graph SWBAT construct a stemplot

2 Scatterplot (Scatter Diagram)
A plot of paired (x,y) quantitative data with a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y axis. The horizontal axis is used for the first (x) variable The vertical axis is used for the second (y) variable The pattern of the plotted points is often helpful in determining whether there is a correlation (or relationship) between the two variables

3 Constructing a Scatterplot
Construct a horizontal axis for the values of the first variable Construct a vertical axis for the values of the second variable Plot the points Label the axes

4 Example The following data represents the numbers of cricket chirps per minute paired with temperatures in °F Temperature (°F) 72 84 76 87 80 92 70 83 Chirps pre minute 960 1150 860 1200 900 1190 875 1040

5 Example Continued Does there appear to be a relationship between chirps and temperature as is shown by the pattern of the points?

6 Correlation Coefficient
Linear correlation coefficient r: a value between -1 and 1 If r is close to 1: there is a strong positive correlation between variables If r is close to -1: there is a strong negative correlation between variables If r is close to 0 there does not appear to be a correlation

7 Time Series Graph A graph of time-series data, which are quantitative data that have been collected at different points in time, such as monthly or yearly It is often important to know when population values change over time

8 Example A graph that shows the yearly high values of the Dow Jones Industrial Average for the New York Stock Exchange

9 Stemplot (Stem-and-leaf plot)
Represents quantitative data by separating each value into two parts: the stem (such as the leftmost digit) and the leaf (such as the rightmost digit) Advantages we can see the distribution of data while keeping the original data values constructing a stemplot is a quick way to sort data (arrange them in order)

10 Constructing Stemplots
Leaves are arranged in increasing order, not the order in which they occur in the original list If we turn the stemplot on its side, we can see a distribution of the data Better stemplots are often obtained by first rounding the original data values Stemplots can be expanded to create more rows and condensed to include fewer rows

11 Stemplots

12 Minutes Spent Watching TV Over the Last 18 Days
Example Use the following data to create a stemplot Minutes Spent Watching TV Over the Last 18 Days 48 125 98 147 45 94 92 101 75 90 120 61 60 63 65 136 84

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