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Classification of Animals

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1 Classification of Animals

2 Bellringer What is excretion?
What are the purposes of excretion in animals? What are the types of excretion in animals? Do fish pee? Why or why not?

3 Bellringer Answers Excretion is the elimination of wastes from the body. Maintain homeostasis, maintain blood pH and water content, remove wastes adapted from

4 Animals With Backbones

5 Animals With Backbones
Animals with backbones are called vertebrates. Vertebrates include many different kinds of animals. They can be found just about everywhere – in oceans, rivers, forests, mountains, and deserts. Animals with backbones can be broken up into smaller groups by characteristics. They are:

6 Fish

7 Fish Characteristics Fish are vertebrates with an endoskeleton
They have a simple closed circulatory system Fish are bilaterally symmetrical Fish reproduce sexually, fertilize externally Breathing occurs through the gills adapted from

8 Fish Examples Jawless Fish – lampreys Cartilaginous Fish – sharks
Bony Fish – bluegill, bass, salmon adapted from

9 Fish Distinguishing Characteristics
They are the largest group of vertebrates. They come in many sizes and shapes. Many fish are covered with scales that protects them. They have fins that help them to steer and balance in the water. Their body temperatures vary in the water. They breathe through gills.

10 Fish and Excretory System Videos
True Facts About the Anglerfish: How the Urinary System Works: adapted from

11 Amphibians

12 Amphibian Characteristics
Vertebrate with an endoskeleton Closed circulatory system with 3 chambered heart Bilateral symmetry Sexual reproduction (in water, soft egg with no shell) Moves using muscular system and four legs adapted from

13 Amphibian Characteristics
Breathes using lungs and through skin (diffusion) Examples: frogs, toads, and salamanders adapted from

14 Amphibian Distinguishing Characteristics
Their body temperature varies with their surroundings (cold-blooded). Amphibians hatch from eggs and they can live on land as an adult. Young amphibians breathe through gills like fish. Adult amphibians breathe air from lungs. Some have smooth moist skin.

15 True Facts About the Frog
adapted from

16 Reptiles

17 Reptile Characteristics
Vertebrate with an endoskeleton Closed circulatory system with 3 chambered heart Bilateral symmetry Sexual Reproduction (leathery amniotic eggs) Muscular System (four legs) adapted from

18 Reptiles Characteristics
Breathes through lungs (Respiratory System) Examples: lizards, snakes, alligators adapted from

19 Reptile Distiguishing Characteristics
Reptiles can move at various speeds. They lay their eggs on land. They have dry scaly skin and claws. They can include animals as large as a crocodile. Their body temperature varies with their environment (cold blooded). They live in hot, dry deserts and in warm, wet tropical rain forests.

20 True Facts About the Chameleon
adapted from

21 Birds

22 Bird Characteristics Vertebrates with an endoskeleton
Closed circulatory system with 4 chambered heart Bilateral symmetry Sexual reproductions (hard shelled eggs) Moves with muscular system and wings! Breathes with lungs adapted from

23 Examples of Birds Birds range in size from as small as your finger or as large as a human. adapted from

24 Bird Characteristics There are about 9,000 types of birds.
Birds are vertebrates that have wings and they are covered with feathers. No other animal has this feature. The bird’s skeleton is very light in weight. Their bones are hollow. This helps them to fly.

25 Mammals

26 Mammal Characteristics
Vertebrates with endoskeleton Closed circulatory system with 4 chambered heart Bilateral symmetry Their young grows inside the mother. Moves using muscular system and four appendages Breathes through lungs adapted from

27 Examples of Mammals They include a wide range of animals: ape, lions, kangaroos, bats, and etc. adapted from

28 Mammal Characteristics
Humans are mammals but other mammals have more hair than we do. The hair keeps the animals warm. They feed milk to their young.

29 Bellringer Should you pee on a jellyfish sting?
Read the article on the desk and answer this question. Use at least 2 pieces of evidence to support your answer. If peeing on the sting is not effective, what should you do instead? adapted from

30 Invertebrates

31 Invertebrate Classification
What is an Invertebrate? Invertebrates are animals that do not have backbones. 97 % of the animal kingdom is made up of invertebrates. Some can be found in ponds, oceans, and other water environments. Insects and some other invertebrates have exoskeletons.

32 An Exoskeleton is a hard outer covering that protects an animal’s body and gives it support. There are six groups of invertebrates. They are:

33 Sponges

34 Sponges Sponges have no skeleton or circulatory system
Sponges have no symmetry Sponges can reproduce sexually or asexually Juvenile sponges move, adults are sessile adapted from

35 Sponges
adapted from

36 Sponges Characteristics
They look like plants but they are animals. Sponges stay fixed in one place. Their bodies are full of holes and their skeleton is made of spiky fibers. Water flows through the holes of their body which enables them to catch food.

37 Corals, Hydras, and Jellyfish

38 Cnidarians Most cnidarians have no skeleton. Coral have an exoskeleton
They have no circulatory system Radial symmetry Cnidarians reproduce sexually and asexually adapted from

39 Cnidarians Video
adapted from

40 Characteristics Corals look like plants but they belong to the animal kingdom. They have soft tubelike bodies with a single opening surrounded by armlike parts called tentacles. They feed by catching tiny animals in their tentacles. Hydras have tentacles that catch their food. They move from place to place. Hydras are much smaller animals. Jellyfish catch shrimp,fish, and other animals in its tentacles also.

41 Bellringer Use page 977 to fill in the structures and functions of the digestive system on the paper (either you got it yesterday, or you are getting it now) adapted from

42 Worms: Flatworms, Roundworms, and Segmented worms

43 Worm Characteristics Worms are tube-shaped invertebrates which allows them to be put into groups. They can be found in both land and water environments.

44 Flatworm Introduction
( Note: This is from Monsters Inside Me adapted from

45 Flatworm Facts No skeletal system, though they do have muscles
No true circulatory system Breathe through diffusion Bilaterally symmetrical Reproduce sexually (hermaphrodites) adapted from

46 Flatworms Most have a muscular system to help them move
They have a head and a tail, and flattened bodies. A tapeworm is a flatworm that can live inside the body of animals and humans. It can cause you to become sick.

47 Examples Platyhelminthes Tapeworms
adapted from

48 Roundworm Introduction
Note: From Monsters Inside Me adapted from

49 Roundworm Facts No true skeletal system (hydro-static system)
No circulatory system Bilateral symmetry Reproduces sexually (some are hermaphroditic) adapted from

50 Roundworm Facts They move using muscles and a hydro-static skeleton
Think pressurized fluid Breathes mainly through diffusion adapted from

51 Examples Trichina Ascaris Worms
adapted from

52 Roundworm They have rounded bodies.
They live in damp places and they can also live inside humans and other animals. They too can make people and other animals sick.

53 Annelids Introduction
adapted from

54 Annelids Information No true skeletal system Closed circulatory system
The blood flows through vessels only Bilateral symmetry Reproduces sexually (hermaphroditic) Move by expanding and contracting body segments adapted from

55 Annelids breath through their skin (diffusion)
Examples: Leeches, Earthworms adapted from

56 Annelids The earthworm belongs to this group of worms.
Their bodies are divided in segments, or sections. They prefer burrowing through moist soil. This allows them to move easily and it keeps them from drying out.

57 Bellringer Complete the questions in the handout over the human reproductive system. Use Chapter 34 in your book for help adapted from

58 Mollusks

59 Mollusk Introduction True Facts About the Land Snail
adapted from

60 Mollusk Information No skeletal system. They have a shell and a hydro-static skeleton Open circulatory system Bilateral symmetry Sexual (hermaphrodites) It moves using its muscular foot and its hydro-static skeleton adapted from

61 Examples of Mollusks adapted from

62 Mollusk Characteristics
A mollusk has a hard shell, a rough tongue, and a muscular foot. A snail is a mollusk with a single hard shell. A clam has two shells joined together by a hinge. Squids and octopuses are also mollusk. Their hard shells are small, but they are inside their bodies.

63 Echinoderms: Starfish and Sea Urchins

64 Echinoderms Introduction
Sea Pig: Sea Horse: adapted from

65 Echinoderms Information
Have an endoskeleton composed of calcerous ossicles Open circulatory system Radial symmetry Sexual Reproduction (external fertilization) Moves using a water vascular system They breath through simple gills in their feet. adapted from

66 Characteristics It belongs to a group of invertebrates that have tiny tube feet and body parts arranged around a central area. A starfish has five arms and no head! The hard, spiny covering of the starfish gives the animal protection. A sea urchin belongs to this same group. Its body is covered with spines.

67 5th Period: True Facts About the Octopus
adapted from

68 Starfish Dissection: Bellringer
Pick your group for dissection (3 – 4 people) Get one lab paper for your group from my desk Read the starfish information and complete the pre-lab questions Listen for further instructions adapted from

69 Bellringer What are your thoughts when you see this picture?
What do these two spiders have in common? What is a good reason to have spiders in an ecosystem? adapted from

70 Arthropods

71 Arthropod Characteristics
Arthropods are a group of invertebrates with jointed legs and hard exoskeleton that protect the arthropod. They possess an open circulatory system adapted from

72 Arthropod Characteristics
Arthropods have bilateral symmetry Arthropods with few exceptions have separate sexes and reproduce sexually Muscles attached to the inside of their exoskeleton act as a lever system (like in vertebrates) adapted from

73 Arthropod Characteristics
Aquatic arthropods possess gills through which they breathe Terrestrial arthropods possess tracheae (tiny tubes) and book lungs adapted from

74 Arthropod Distinguishing Characteristics
Jointed legs and hard exoskeleton that protect the arthropod. They are the only invertebrates that can fly As it grows, it molts, or sheds its old exoskeleton. Then it grows a new exoskeleton that allows its body to continue to grow. The largest group of arthropods are insects.

75 Arthropod Examples Insects: flies, bees, grasshoppers
Crustaceans: lobsters, crayfish, crabs Arachnids: spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions Centipedes and millipedes as well. adapted from

76 Arthropods: Insects, Spiders, and Centipedes/Millipedes
Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae, gills, and seven or more appendages for feeding, swimming, walking, respiration, and reproduction Arachnids have jointed legs (eight legs), jaws and fangs. Insects have bodies divided into three parts, and six legs.

77 True Facts About the Mantis Shrimp:
adapted from

78 Today’s Goals Get in the group you want to dissect the crayfish with on Friday (3 – 4 people) Get one handout for your group and sit together. Complete all parts of pre-lab using Crayfish placemats Crustacean section in book (page 735) Last 3 minutes we will discuss the benchmark assessment Wed. and Thurs. adapted from

79 Summary Invertebrates do not have backbones. They include the
smallest animals such as: spiders, mites, insects, and worms. Vertebrates do have backbones. They include animals such as: Horses, birds, cats, dogs, fish, lizards, and snakes.

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