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Presentation on theme: "MRS. GARLAND F O U R T H G A D E  Hello!"— Presentation transcript:

1 MRS. GARLAND F O U R T H G A D E  Hello!
 Hello! My name is Mrs. Garland, and I am super excited to be your 4th grade teacher. Our fun begins in the “learning cottage,” where you’ll learn all you need to know about language arts, Indiana history, math, and science. You will be making a BIG leap this year as a tiger, and taking on even more responsibility. But you’ll love the independence! F O U R T H G A D E Meet some of our 4th grade team: (from left to right) Mrs. Garland, Mrs. Duckworth, & Miss Bryant Mark your Calendar: Open House-- Mon., Aug. 3-6 p.m. Check online for supply list and information: To share with you a little bit about me, I have been teaching since 1999, and have spent 14 of those years at Scott School. I love being a tiger! I have taught grades 1st – 5th , but 4th is one of my favorites. I have 3 wonderful kids- Sam, Delaney, and Preston. They all keep me pretty busy! My husband is an eye doctor, and we own Garland Vision. You may have even seen it by Bob’s Gym or in Newburgh. I can’t wait to hear about your summer, family, and favorites! Feel free to me this summer and introduce yourself. :) Hobbies: Watching Movies, Reading Books, Traveling, & Checking Out Sport Events Team: St. Louis Cardinals Books: Fever of 1793, The Terrible Two, & The 14th Goldfish Color: Red Drinks: Starbucks Chai or Ice tea Restaurant: Outback Steakhouse Pets: Max & Ruby- Puppies Kananga & Goldie – Cats

2 Scott Elementary 4th Grade Supply List 2017-2018: Twistables (24 pack)
Save Time and Pre-Order Online before June 15th: Supplies will be here for Open House! Twistables (24 pack) 4 pack of Highlighters (Variety of Colors) 3 pkgs. of No. 2 Pencils (Ticonderoga brand) Large Pack of Elmers’ Glue Sticks (8/pkg) Crayola Classic Color Fine Tip Markers 10/set 3 packs of Post it Notes 2 packages of 3x5 Lined Index Cards 1 Black Sharpie Markers Large Pack Dry Erase Markers Mini eraser for dry erase board 5 Composition Notebooks pgs. 2 plastic folders- hole punched for 3-ring binder 2 pkgs. Loose Leaf Wide Ruled Paper Pencil Pouch-Must have 3 holes to fit in binder (NO ART BOXES) 2”, 3-ring binder with Clear Front Pocket (No Trapper Keeper Binder) Small Pkg. of Plastic Sheet Protectors Agenda Book-$4- to be purchased at school Ear buds (can be purchased at school for $1) Scissors 12” ruler Clear Protractor (No Compass needed) Kleenex Clorox Wipes 1 Box of Ziploc Quart-Sized Baggies 1 Box of Ziploc Gallon-Sized Baggies Optional: Lysol Spray, Hand Sanitizer, or Paper Towels

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