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Table of Contents The Enabling Legislation
Mandate, Goals, Vision and Mission. Strategic Overview Governance matters Executive Management Financial Position Financial Performance Revenue and Expenditure (performance against budget) Non- financial Performance Audit Outcomes 2
Enabling Legislation National Film and Video Foundation Act 73 of 1997 as amended by the Cultural Laws Amendment Act 36 of 2001. NFVF is a Schedule 3A Public Entity in terms of the PFMA. 3
Mandate Section 3 of the NFVF Act sets out the mandate as follows:
To promote and develop the film and video industry To provide and encourage the provision of, opportunities for persons, especially from disadvantaged communities, to get involved in the film and video industry To encourage the development and distribution of local film and video products To support the nurturing and development of and access to the film and video industry To address historical imbalances in the infrastructure and distribution of skills and resources in the film and video industry 4
Vision: Mission: Vision & Mission
To be a leader towards a sustainable audio-visual content* industry that represents the nation’s aspirations and celebrates our diversity. Mission: To collaborate with all stakeholders to enable the development and promotion of a transformed and thriving South African audio-visual content industry. * Audio-visual = All film (content transmitted through various platforms, e.g cinema, television, online, and other digital means), television, etc. excluding Music Videos, Reality TV, adult content, etc. 5
Unique Value Proposition
Leader Enabler Development funding Training Leveraging production funding Facilitating international productions Global exposure and positioning 6
Strategic Overview Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals
Increase number of people trained in the industry, particularly in areas of scarce skills Develop appropriate policy interventions for the South African film industry Increase number of South African films produced and PDI’s producing them Promote the South African Film Industry locally and internationally Fulfil statutory and governance obligations of the NFVF as set out in relevant legislation 7
Governance Accounting Authority
In terms of section 6 of the Act, the NFVF functions under the guidance of a Council, appointed by the Minister of Arts and Culture. The Council bears primary responsibility for discharging the statutory mandate of the NFVF as set out in the Act. The Chief Executive Officer, management and staff exist to support the Council in executing its responsibilities. The role of the Council is to: carry out its statutory mandate under the Act; define and ensure compliance with the values and objectives of the NFVF; establish policies and plans to achieve those objectives; approve each year’s strategic and annual performance plan, budget and annual financial statements prior to publication. 8
Governance Audit Committee The Audit Committee has:
reviewed and discussed the audited annual financial statements of the NFVF to be included in the annual report, with the Auditor-General and the Accounting Officer; reviewed the Auditor-General’s management letter and management’s response thereto; reviewed changes in accounting policies and practices reviewed any significant adjustments resulting from the audit The committee is satisfied that the financial statements comply, in all material respects, with the requirements of the PFMA, 1999, as amended, and South African Statements of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP). 9
Executive Management 10 NFVF Council CEO Ms Zama Mkosi Son
Head: Production & Development Ms Joy Mawela Head: Policy & Research Ms Aifheli Makhwanya Head: Marketing & Communications Mr Peter Kwele Head: HR &Centralised Services Ms Matlhodi Ngwenya Chief Financial Officer Ms Karen Son NFVF Council CEO Ms Zama Mkosi 10
Annual Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Position Assets March March 2016 R’ R’000 Non Current Assets Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Non Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets Accumulated surplus Total Net assets and Liabilities 11
Annual Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Performance Revenue Actual Budget Variance R'000 R'000 R'000 DAC – annual allocation DAC – other projects Partnerships Recoupments Other Investment income Total Revenue 12
Annual Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Performance Revenue – Explanation of variances DAC :Other projects – The NFVF has received a conditional grant for the Film Hubs Infrastructure Project. Partnerships – These relate to agreements with other stakeholders for projects and other events, eg KZNFC for Cannes; GE Media, Ster -Kinekor ,M Net & SABC for SAFTAs, SABC & NYDA for the Youth Filmmaker Project. Gauteng & Durban Film Office also contributed towards DISCOP. NFVF received R from the MICT Seta for the bursary and internship partnership agreement. Recoupments – Funds are received following films Khumba, Happiness is a four letter word, Love the one you Love & I Number Number Other – MICT mandatory grants and sale of SAFTA tickets. 13
Annual Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Performance Expenditure Actual Budget Variance R'000 R'000 R'000 Training & bursaries (18 199) Development & production (5 336) of content Research projects (2 565) Local & Global Positioning (14 079) Administration ( 1 295) Total Expenditure (41 474) 14
Annual Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Performance Expenditure – Explanation of variances Grant Expenditure: The variance was sourced from sponsorship and partnership agreements entered into with various stakeholders. R31.4million of revenue received from stakeholders. Administration Expenditure: Travel costs increased due to the attendance of important meetings i.e Portfolio committee meetings, MEC meetings, panel meetings & workshop travel. The increase in applications receive directly impacted on costs relating to panellist fees, printing and courier costs. Computer expenses increased due to software renewals, support calls & internet costs. 15
Non- financial performance
Training and skills development Planned Target 2016/17 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/17 Comment on deviations 64 bursaries awarded p.a 166 bursaries approved by Council 102 more than target NFVF MICT Seta partnership provided for additional funding to fund extra bursaries Place 20 interns p.a 80 interns placed Overachieved by recruiting 60 additional interns NFVF MICT Seta partnership provided for additional funding to fund extra interns 3 Training Initiatives funded p.a 2 Sediba Programmes p.a 3 Mentorship Programmes p.a 1 Schools Programme p.a 2 Training Companies Funded 2 Sediba Programmes 3 Mentorship Programmes 1 Schools Programme Under Achieved by 1 N/A Applicants did not meet the accreditation requirements * 16
Non- financial performance
Policy & Research Planned Target 2016/17 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/17 Comment on deviations 4 Research publications per annum 4 Research Publications N/A 3 policies approved by Council. 4 Policies 1 Additional Policy was drafted The information manual was drafted inorder to address internal audit concerns to ensure that the NFVF has an information management policy Certify 90% of all applications received 100% All applications received met the requirements There were no rejections or withdrawals on any application 3 Co-production activations p.a 4 Co-production Activations * 17
Non- financial performance
Production & Development of Content Planned Target 2016/17 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/17 Comment on deviations 66 projects funded in development p.a. 38 projects funded in production p.a. 1 Women filmmaker slate funded annually 80 projects funded in development 52 projects funded in production 1 Female Filmmaker slate funded 14 more than target N/A More projects were funded because some applicants requested less than the maximum allocation per project. * 18
Non- financial performance
Production & Development of Content (cont…) Planned Target 2016/17 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/17 Comment on deviations 1 First time / Youth filmmakers slate funded annually 1 fiction slate funded p.a 1 animation slate funded p.a 1 documentary slate funded p.a 1 First time / Youth filmmakers slate funded annually 3 fiction slates funded 1 animation slate funded 1 documentary slate funded p.a N/A 2 more than target N/A More than 1 slate funded because of the high quality standard of the proposals. * 19
Non- financial performance
Marketing and Distribution Planned Target 2016/2017 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/2017 Comment on deviations Attend & activate at 7 International Festivals p.a. Attend 3 New Markets for SA content p.a. Attended 7 International Festivals p.a Attended 3 New Markets to promote SA content N/A N/A 7 grants awarded p.a. to National Festivals 11 Grants Awarded to national Festivals Funded 4 more than target Funded more festivals in previously underserviced regions: eg, Inaugural Ekhuruleni Film Festival, North Coast Film Festival, Limpopo Film Festival, Black Filmmkaers Film , Monthly PE screenings & 48hr Film Project 7 Festival Activations p.a Implemented 13 Festival activations, 2 Career Expos & 4 National Day Programmes Activated 6 more Festivals than target, 2 Career Expos & 4 National Days 2 Career Expos (The Glen Career Expo,Durban Career Expo) & 4 National Days (Youth month, Mandela Day, Womens Day & Heritage Day) 4 Brand Activations p.a 5 Below the Line Brand Activations 1 Additional Below the Line Brand activation Below the Line brand activation for the promotion of Mrs Right Guy’s release SA Film and TV Awards The planning, organising & hosting the SAFTAs event that was broadcast on SABC 2 and Mzansi Magic Fund 50 filmmakers p.a to attend Markets & Film Festivasl Funded 85 filmmakers to attend markets and film festivals Funded 35 more than target Not all applicants applied for or were granted the R29,000 funding cap & more filmmakers were invited to screen their productions as part of the “Official Programme” * 20
Non- financial performance
Marketing and Distribution (cont…) Planned Target 2016/2017 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/2017 Comment on deviations Quarterly engagement fora with stakeholders NFVF held 6 quarterly engagement fora with stakeholders instead of 4 Held 2 more engagement fora with stakeholders NFVF Overachieved due to invites/requests that were not identified fora i,e Mpumalanga Provincial Government who requested an engagement on film matters as well as SASFED who requested engagements on specific matters. 1 DAC Activation pa 1 DAC activation during Africa Month N/A Quarterly Communication Implemented Quarterly Communication of NFVF programmes to external stakeholders 1 Digital Platform for SA film industry implemented Development of the VoD Platform 10 Marketing & Distribution grants awarded p.a 12 Marketing and Distribution projects funded Funded 2 more than target Not all applicants applied for or were granted the maximum funding cap * 21
Non- financial performance
Administration and Human Resources Planned Target 2016/2017 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/2017 Comment on deviations Reporting quarterly, bi-annually and annually Quarterly Reports submitted to DAC, National Treasury and Council N/A Monthly management accounts Monthly management accounts prepared Conduct an annual risk assessment workshop Risk assessment workshop was conducted in Feb 2017 4 internal audits annually 5 Audits completed for the year 1 more than target AoPo * 22
Non- financial performance
Administration and Human Resources (cont…) Planned Target 2016/2017 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/2017 Comment on deviations Implement PMS PMS fully implemented N/A 6staff are trained 20 staff trained 14 additional staff members trained More staff trained due to them requesting courses that were less than what was budgeted for hence more staff could be trained. Compliance with legislation Annual HR policies and procedures workshop Implement approved structure Annual salary increases approved by Council & implemented * 23
Non- financial performance
Administration and Human Resources (cont…) Planned Target 2016/2017 Actual Achievement Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2016/2017 Comment on deviations Implement PMS PMS fully implemented N/A 6staff are trained 20 staff trained 14 additional staff members trained More staff trained due to them requesting courses that were less than what was budgeted for hence more staff could be trained. Compliance with legislation Annual H policies and procedures workshop Implement approved structure Annual salary increases approved by Council & implemented * 24
Audit Outcomes The NFVF achieved an unqualified opinion for the 2016/17 financial year. 25
Staff Issues Key issues raised by staff: Salary Levels Work load
KPA’s and Job Description Staff Training Retention and Succession planning Annual leave Staff role in internal policy development CEO established internal Special Task Team HR Committee oversight 41
Employee Concerns Addressed
DESCRIPTION ACTION TAKEN 13TH Cheque Payment dates and impact on tax. Explained to staff that no tax benefit in split payment. Staff voted and management agreed to split payment. Option of advance volunteer tax payment communicated to all staff. Payment of Bonus Amount Split payments of bonus amounts, individual one after year end and organisational one after audit. Rationale for one payment explained to staff. Pay slips amended to show bonus amount. 2016/17 performance bonus paid out after audit. Annual Leave 2016 December closure negative impact on staff leave and not consulted. Staff voted for 22 December 2017 – 2 January 2018, NFVF closure. December closure at CEO discretion on annual basis. After consultation with HR Comm and Council, CEO approved staff request for December 2017 closure. Internal adverts Staff to be given first preference with an internal recruitment process before external. Internal adverts and staff-first-recruitment process implemented. 42
Employee Concerns Addressed
DESCRIPTION ACTION TAKEN Allocation of Resources Staff who need resources to perform work not provided. Audit of resource allocation was done by HOD’s and all qualifying staff were provided with resources. Policy and process of resource allocation shared with staff. Staff who still have resource allocation issues invited for 1:1 meetings with CEO. 1 staff met with CEO and issue resolved. Innovation and Collaboration The culture of innovation and collaboration not encouraged. CEO Proposed Innovation Comm to staff. Staff preferred white board for ideas. Board has been acquired. Interns Management Internship Programme not effectively managed Staff recommendations implemented. International Travel System currently unfair and not aligned to work plans. CEO presented to staff the rationale and decision making process re international travel. CEO final decision after recommendation from MANCO. Input into MANCO’s recommendation from the Project Management meeting including HOD’s and Managers. 43
Employee Concerns Addressed
DESCRIPTION ACTION TAKEN Premier invites and tickets These not allocated equitably To be centralized through HOD's. Wellness Company Staff would like an independent third party to counsel on issues. Wellness service provider appointed. Salary scales No clarity on salary bands. Salaries not aligned to market. Current salary bands information presented to staff. NFVF giving each of the 5 below minimum staff additional increase per annum to align them over the period. 1:1 meetings held with each to explain above. OD Service provider appointed for long term solution to – amongst other things, benchmark salaries for rest of staff and recommend compensation model. 44
Employee Concerns Addressed
DESCRIPTION ACTION TAKEN Moderation Comm Staff feeling that process unfair and non-transparent. Presentation done explaining rationale and process. Communicated that staff won’t sit in at moderations committee. MANCO undertaking to give detailed written feedback on final score. Formula for organizational score calculation shared with staff. Role of HR In the event of conflict with manager, HR not helpful. Presentation done to staff on role of HR. 45
Employee Concerns In Progress
DESCRIPTION ACTION TAKEN CTC No understanding how it is composed. Presentation made to staff explaining CTC definition. Pay slips amended with more information re composition of CTC. Presentation to staff by DAC, SARS, DPSA and National Treasury – 30/10/2017 Salary scales No clarity on salary bands. Salaries not aligned to market. Current salary bands information presented to staff. NFVF giving each of the 5 below minimum staff additional increase per annum to align them over the period. 1:1 meetings held with each to explain above. OD Service provider appointed for long term solution to – amongst other things, benchmark salaries for rest of staff and recommend compensation model. OD Recommendations to December Council to be effective 1 April 2018 Performance Management System PMS is out of date. Details in the matrix should be in line with what is in the Performance Contract. Review the number of Raters in relation to the levels. How external stakeholder scores can be included. To include a section for a narrative input vs just a point system, this to go to the Moderation Committee. Presentation done to staff on rationale of current PMS. Staff shown where current PMS already complies with their requests: Matrix aligned to individuals KPA’s. Raters aligned to position level of reporting. Narrative included. Communicated to staff that external stakeholders will not be part of individual PMS. To investigate option of NFVF stakeholder survey to implement 1 April 2018. 46
Employee Concerns In Progress
ESS Leave System Not accurate IT Department reviewed the ESS system. Challenges are a result of human element. 3 month trial period. Communicated to staff the process and timelines for ESS input. 30 November review and 1 April 2018 if new system required and approved. Policy Approval Process Staff not consulted effectively Staff inclusive policy review input framework being implemented. Policy presentations done for staff to date. Ongoing until March 2018 Council Policy Approval Meeting Staff Representation Staff representatives to sit at decision making bodies Presentation made to staff on rationale and role clarification of the different levels of staff. Communicated to staff that no staff rep at HR Comm. Staff given permission to establish Employee Forum. Project Management meeting structure established. Standard department meeting agenda circulated. Employee Forum established by 30/10/2017 Succession Planning Succession and Retention Planning and Personal Development Plan discussion Presentation done where retention and succession policy was shared with staff. Individual performance contracts inclusive of Personal Development Plan’s in place for each staff. Internal preference given to staff for internal vacancies. 47
Employee Concerns In Progress
Confidentiality Company and personal information being disclosed to third parties. Presentation done on roles and responsibilities in event of breach of confidentiality. Wellness Company appointed to attend to confidential staff issues. External presentation on legal implications of breach of confidentiality and conflict of interest – 4 October 2017. KPA’s Day to day work being done over and above KPA’s. OD Service Provider appointed. OD Recommendations to December Council to be effective 1 April 2018 Work Load Allocation Some teams are over stretched special projects affect work load. OD Recommendations to December Council to be effective 1 April 2018 48
Employee Concerns In Progress
Study Approval Staff not approved to study when in interest of career growth and organisation to do so. Policy, process and budget shared in a presentation to staff. 10 staff approved for training for 2017/18 F/Year. NFVF allocate 2% of budget towards training. To consider submitting request for additional staff study funding after the outcomes of the OD process – December 2017 Favouritism Other departments being incentivised differently to others. MANCO to adopt common approach regarding incentives and sharing of benefits to staff in compliance with NFVF Policies. Ongoing Staff Morale This is low Team Building efforts within policy and budget. Women’s Day Event. Spring Day and Heritage Day Celebrations. 1:1 Meetings with CEO Wellness Service provider to facilitate team wellness workshops – 30 October 2017 Conflict of Interest Staff wish to be allowed to do additional work and earn additional income. Presentation done by internal and external service provider. External presentation on legal implications of breach of confidentiality and conflict of interest – 4 October 2017. Staff Forum Staff granted permission to establish Employee Forum. Staff submitted draft TOR’s for Employee Forum. Meeting scheduled with NEHAWU to discuss recognition agreement – 15 October 2017 49
Ongoing Challenges Over stretched staff
Moratorium on additional positions Flat structure = limited growth opportunities Treasury cost cutting measures Limited training budget Limited salary adjustment opportunities No team building and year end functions DPSA standardisations of conditions of services 50
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