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Presentation on theme: "EXTREMITY ARTERIAL ANATOMY"— Presentation transcript:


2 Arterial wall anatomy Endothelial lining Intima Media Adventitia

3 Capillaries Arterioles Exchange Vessel Thin Walled
Single Layer of the endothelium Arterioles Control Flow Resistance Regulates flow of blood into the capillaries by vasoconstriction and vasodilation

4 Hemodynamics Flow in peripheral arteries is regulated by vasoconstriction- relaxation in the arterioles. arterioles

5 Arterial Evaluation Aorta Branches Iliacs Lower Extremity Arteries

6 LOWER EXTREMITY Common Femoral Artery (CFA)
Superficial Femoral Artery (SFA) Deep Femoral Artery (DFA) Popliteal (Pop) Tibial Peroneal Trunk Anterior Tibial (ATA) Dorsalis Pedis (DPA) Posterior Tibial (PTA) Peroneal (Per) Plantar Arch

7 Common Iliac a Ext iliac a Int. Iliac a Common Femoral a Profunda fem. a Superficial fem a

8 Lower Extremity CFA SFA Continuation of the EIA
Divides into the SFA and DFA SFA Descends along the anteriomedial aspect of the thigh Courses the length of the thigh passing through an opening in the adductor magnus (adductor canal or Hunter’s canal) and entering the popliteal fossa (behind the knee)

9 Lower Extremity DFA AKA. Profunda Femoris Lateral branch
Main blood supply to the muscles in the leg It communicates with the IIA, EIA and Pop

10 Lower Extremity Popliteal Continuation of the SFA
As the SFA enters the Popliteal Fossa it becomes the Pop A* Divides into the Tibioperoneal Trunk and the ATA Branches: Cutaneous Superior Muscular Sural Genicular*

11 Lower Extremity Tibioperoneal Trunk
Second branch off the Pop Branches into the PTA and Per PTA begins between the Tibia and Fibula, extending downward and medially to the midpoint between the medial malleous and the heel. Divides into the medial and plantar ateries

12 Lower Extremity ATA Terminal branch of the Pop
Passes superficial to the interosseous membrane, as it descends it is anterior to the interosseous membrane Distally it courses anterior to the Tibia The ATA becomes more superficial as it passes superior to the lateral malleolus as it then becomes the DPA

13 Lower Extremity Peroneal Plantar Arch
Originates at the Tibioperoneal Trunk Medial aspect of the Fibula Lies deeper to the PTA Plantar Arch Terminal branches of the DP and the PTA Deep Plantar Arch- DP Lateral Plantar Arch - PTA

14 Longitudinal View of the Aorta and the RT and LT CIA

Fem v

16 Longitudinal View of the CFA
Prox SFA DFA Longitudinal View of the CFA

17 Longitudinal View of the Bifurcation
Prox SFA CFA DFA Longitudinal View of the Bifurcation

18 P SFA P FV DFV DFA Longitudinal View of the Femoral Arteries and Veins

19 Transverse Image SFA Prox FV DFV DFA Longitudinal Image

20 SFA FV Longitudinal Image of the SFA and FV

21 Popliteal fossa LSV Gastrocs Pop V Pop. vein Pop A Pop. artery

22 Posterior view


24 Transverse calf Medial side up

25 Calf veins You rarely see all lined up, but nice shot anyway.

26 Aorta 3 sections of the Ao. Largest artery in the body
Root: Originates from the Left Ventricle of the heart Ascending Ao. – ascends a short distance from the vent and arches superiorly

27 Aorta Arch- passes to the left in front of the trachea bends dorsally and becomes the descending Ao. Three major branches Innominate (Brachiocephalic) Left Common Carotid Left Subclavian Descending- from the Ao arch it courses posteriorly through the thoracic cavity Pierces the diaphragm at the thoracic cavity

28 Arch anatomy

29 Abdominal Aorta Retroperitoneal structure enters the abd. at the Ao hiatus of the diaphragm (T-12 and ends at L-4 vertebrae) Courses anterior to the vertebral bodies and slightly left of the midline Moves from a posterior and superior position to an anterior and inferior position Its diameter decreases the more inferior it descends (2-3 cm superiorly at diaphragm and 1-1.5cm inferiorly) Bifurcates at the level of L-4 into the right and left common iliac arteries/umbilicus

30 ABDOMINAL AORTA Celiac Axis (Trunk) Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) Renal arteries

31 Celiac Axis In the transverse scan plane its branches forms a seagull or a dove configuration Left Gastric Artery Common Hepatic Artery Splenic Artery

32 Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA)
Anterior branch of the Abdominal Ao. Approximately 1cm below the celiac axis at a 10 degree angle Consists of a short segment that courses anteriorly from the Ao. then runs inferiorly parallel to the Ao. ending in the vicinity of the ileocecal valve Runs anterior to the Left Renal Vein Posterior to the pancreatic body Anterior to the uncinate process of the pancreas and the 2nd portion of the duodenum

33 SMA Surrounded by a triangular shaped area of retroperitoneal fat- appears echogenic on ultrasound Lies to the Left of the SMV Branches Supply: Jejunum, ileum cecum, ascending colon, Prox. 2/3rd of the transverse colon, portion of the pancreas and duodenum

34 Inferior Mesenteric Artery (IMA)
Arises from the Ao. anteriorly, 3-4 cm above the bifurcation Courses inferiorly and slightly left Often obscured by bowel gas; when visualized- best viewed in the longitudinal plane Acts as a collateral pathway in the event of SMA, CA occlusion. If the IMA is easily seen on U/S; evaluate the SMA and CA for stenosis or occlusion.

35 Renal Arteries Lateral branch of the Ao. that arise at or 1-2cm below the origin of the SMA Supplies blood: Kidneys Adrenal glands Perirenal fat and body wall Best visualized in the transverse scan plane

36 Gonadal Arteries Arises anteriolaterally from the aorta just inferior to the renal arteries Small and difficult to visualize on U/S Course along the psoas muscle to the respective gonadal area Testicular arteries course through inguinal canal and are part of the spermatic cords leading to the testicles; supply the testicles Ovarian arteries enter the pelvic cavity and supply the ovaries


38 ILIAC Common Iliac Arteries Internal Iliac ( IIA; Hypogastric)
Superior Vesical Inferior Vesical Middle Rectal Uterine Vaginal Obturator Internal Pudendal Inf. Gluteal Superior Gluteal Iliolumbar Lateral Sacral External Iliac (EIA) Inferior Epigastic Deep Circumflex Iliac


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