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Sensor Layout Options Aim is to understand the implication and constrains of possible sensor design/layout on the general ID Layout. Keep both ATLAS “drum”

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Presentation on theme: "Sensor Layout Options Aim is to understand the implication and constrains of possible sensor design/layout on the general ID Layout. Keep both ATLAS “drum”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensor Layout Options Aim is to understand the implication and constrains of possible sensor design/layout on the general ID Layout. Keep both ATLAS “drum” support and stave options and try to understand the implication on each. Sensor Layout 1 or 2 D information Strip length Strip width

2 Sensor Design Assumptions/ Question
Industrial Production Optimize assuming 6” Wafers are used in the production. 1D or 2D information? implication on the layout of both options. Considerations Geometrical Layout of Sensor Would like to minimize the number of Detectors we need to handle. (i.e. would like “large” det. ) Maximize the use of the Si area. (Cost is dominated by number of wafers used) Assume readout 128 ch/chip. Width than is determined to be 128Ch X N(# of readout chips) X W mm (strip width)

3 Examples of Detector Layout
Individual Det. Too many det. to Handle. (This layout also violate some production rules) Close to optimum. For SS 4 det in length and 2 in width. 2.8 c.m. Narrow and long design. Not efficient.

4 Options for shorter strips
Optimal layout for Size of Sensors for SS on a 6” wafer. Possible width to length assuming 80 mm width. 2x3x128x80 ~ 64mm l~30 mm 2x4x128x80 ~ 84mm i~27 mm 2x5x128x80~ 104 mm l~23 mm In Length we can split the det. so that is has 1,2 or 4 sensors.

5 Number of Ch per cm2 For the three options we get slightly different Readout density: 2x3x128x80 ~ 64mm l~30 mm ~42 Ch/cm2 2x4x128x80 ~ 84mm l~27 mm ~ 47 Ch/cm2 2x5x128x80~ 104 mm l~23 mm ~55 Ch/cm2 Power / cm2

6 Number of Sensors in Length?
We assume we would like to have min number of sensors from handling point of view. Yield – one might want to have smaller sensors. Electronic placement – (see following transp.) To keep all options one would like to have 2 sensors in length.

7 Electronics Placement
There are two “options” for the electronics placement. Option A: Edge of the sensor on the side. Option B: On top of the sensor separated by a “thermal bridge” that carries the heat to the side. Feedback from the Cooling needed on these two options. Depending on the layout of the sensor option A might not be possible,

8 Module Assembly: 1D Built from Sensor (2xl)x(W) mm (Of any width)
Sensors are “staggered” along the Stave with overlaps. Note: Electronics can be placed on the top and or on the side. Elect. On the top Elect. On the side

9 Module Assembly: 1D Built from “long” Sensor (4xl)x(2xW) mm
Sensors are “staggered” along the Stave with overlaps. Note: Electronics in this case needs to be placed on top. Elect. On the top

10 Module Assembly: 2D Using “independent U and V Sensors”
Option B1:Built from Sensor (2xl)x(W) mm or (4xl)x(W) same Conceptual solution.(W any width) U sensors are placed side by side on one side of the Stave. V Sensors are placed side by side on the other side. To minimize dead space Elect. On the top only

11 2D Using coupled (glued) sensors back to back.
Option 32:Built from Sensor (2xl)x(2xW) mm Glued back to back Elect. On the side Elect. On the top

12 Options for Long strips
Optimal layout for Size of Sensors for LS on a 6” wafer. Possible width to length assuming 80 mm width. 2x3x128x80 ~ 64mm l~120 mm 2x4x128x80 ~ 84mm i~112 mm 2x5x128x80~ 104 mm l~92 mm We get one det from the Wafer.

13 Module Assembly LS: 1D There are two options have one detector in f or two (side by side). Having two clearly reduces the number of staves but might introduce dead area. Note: Electronics can be placed on the top and or on the side. Elect. On the top Elect. On the side

14 1D or 2D information In the case of the (nxl)x(W) det configurations. One can have a sensor design that is “not Symmetric” in U and V. To save on the number of channels we can have U sensors that are ~ 30 mm long and the V sensors that are ~60 mm long. This reduces the number of channels by 25% and we can than have a different optimization.

15 1D or 2D information The 1D vs. 2D information has a number of options that needs to be agreed upon. 2D information on all layers – same granularity for U and V. 2D information in SS and not on the LS (Or vis versa) with the same granularity for the U and V. 2D information with different granularity. Note that the gain for 1D is both in Sensor area and number of channels.

16 1D or 2D information The 1D vs. 2D information has a number of options that needs to be agreed upon. The arguments for 1D instead of 2D information in the SS goes as follows. Cost and to a large expend the mass scale with the number of electronics channels. To make a fair comparison a system with 2D layout of strip length of ~30mm has to be compared to a 1D system with a strip length of ~15 mm. Clearly one can also play on the strip width to some extend. The main point is that a fair comparison has to be between systems of ~ same number of electronics readout. A 1D system with the same number of channels is probably simpler and cheaper to build (Fewer sensros etc.)

17 Strip Width The strip width that we can have might vary from 50 m to 80 m. The limitation on the width has to do also with the complication of bonding to very narrow strips.

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