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By Zerihun Gezahegne,Ministry Of Labour & Social Affairs,

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1 By Zerihun Gezahegne,Ministry Of Labour & Social Affairs,
Expert Critiques Theme II: OSH National Workshop On Planning for GEOHealth Hub for Interdisciplinary Research and Research Project By Zerihun Gezahegne,Ministry Of Labour & Social Affairs, July 25,2013 Ghion Hotel Addis Ababa 1

2 I. General Comment The SANA is a timely initiation and well thought and crafted work to address a crucial component for developing and improvement of a National OSH system through establishing effective research and training system It is more or less comprehensive and has touched upon all issues related to the theme based on available information The process applied to prepare the document, almost is standardized one that is used for the scientific research purposes The composition of assessment team is pertinent and appropriate It has been tried as much as possible to collect comprehensive information regarding the prevailing situation of OSH and with further inputs it can also well serve as a base line to design as well other relevant programmes and strategies for the development of OSH system The involvement few stake holderswas not exhaustive enough All in all, the SANA document after the right comment and amendments can well serve to meet the objective designed for.

3 II.Specific Comments 2.1 Regarding the adequacy of the process followed for Organizing Sana Though efforts were made to properly engage all relevant stake holders for OSH there are still others were very pertinent and have not included in the process,ExampleThe Employers and Workers Organizations(EEF,CETU, Industrial Federation of Trade Unions,Insurance Companiesand the likes) The Assement were well organised except that it was very appropraite if some experts from those institutions mentioned above were included 3

4 Specific Critique Continued
The tools used were almost adequate except studied samples have ought to include the OSH services organized at undertaking levels of selected ones in major industrial sectors using standardized additional qualitative and quantitative study tools. 4

5 2.2 Regarding the comprehensiveness of Situational Analysis(SA)
The included peer reviewed literature on OSH are more less complete with there is still a necessity to search more based on other issues that will be identified to be included especially those related to assessing the situation of OSH services at undertaking levels. We don’t believe that the review of the grey literature are thoroughful as there are others which need to be considered

6 Comprehensiveness of SA Contd.
The designed questionnaires are more or less relevant and have addressed issues related to is the matter.But there are questionnaires related to assess safety and health services situation which were not exhaustive ie there is no question that enquire whether employers and workers are promoting OSH on bipartite basis and tripartite. Whether and How is OSH services established and managed vis a-vis the bussiness core duties. There need questionnaire that deals about assessing the situation of OSH Management including identifyingthe existing challenges therein.

7 Comprehensiveness of SA Contd
The adequacy of SA on research,training programs, monitoring, enforcement and mitigation is satisfactory but ought to look all the issues in exhaustive way in identifying gaps under each components through incorporating all relevant stakeholders to get all information that lead to be comprehensive regarding the matters(looking in to the programs related to each items both retrospectively and prospectively) Some facts included under each items do not exactly portray the reality on the ground.Need to see it again. All in all we recommend that SA should be revisited in order to ascertain all information about OSH service in comprehensive way are treated.

8 2.3.Concerning whether the Need Assessment is thoroughful
The mechanism used to undertake need assessment was all right. The problem is limitation in addressing the issue that should be covered for example institution contacted and question and guides utilized for this were not exhaustive, need to re visited Concerning identification of Research Gaps the issue under item 4 need to be coorrected as there is national occupational diseases issued in 2008.And there is one important gap left un identified regarding research on occupational diseases(lack of trained manpower in occupational medicine who can appropraitely diagonize and treat the diseases with all the complexity nature of the issue) The trainging gaps identified are not expressed explicitely in clearly shown the existing problems at regulatory and other levels(short and long term training programmes

9 Need Assessment Contd The gaps regarding infrastructure are not well stated and identified, apart from laboratory and monitoring instruments, there are still other infrastructure gaps which were not well dealt such as absence of the right institution that deals with OSH research and training services in specialized way Concerning assessment of gaps by stake holders the attempt is ok. The gaps identified cannot be exhaustive as there are other stake holder who were not icluded in the assessment.E.g Workers and employers associations,Insurance companies,Research Institutions etc

10 Need Asessment Contd The gaps prioritization by national policies is well assessed but it still needs further retouchment in a way of exhaustive reviewing of relevant national policy and programs documents which also complement the development of OSH in indirect ways . There were few things which have been included about attention made by relevant stake holders regarding identifying the most priority areas .The deliberation is not comprehensive enough to explicitly show the situation as it stands now.

11 2.4.Regarding Coordination between Universities and Stake Holders
The document did not address well the existing situation and gaps in exhaustive way regarding the necessary cooperation that ought to exist between Universities and relevant Stakeholders in training priorities, prioritization & coordination of Research, Outreach programs for scientific findings. So it is recommended to revisit the document in order that the issues are well treated The Issue of the absence of strong well organised OSH research and training institute which otherwise can serve as an organ for coordinating activities and programs related to research and training at all levels, was not treated by the SANA document

12 2.5. Remaining Tasks to complete SANA
To collect comments as exhaustive as possible from stakeholders and incorporate them accordingly. Involve stake holders which are relevant to the issue and were not involved in the exercise Re examine the identified priorities regarding whether they were exhaustive and appropriate, realistic and meet the felt need address the demands of all the stake holders.


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