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George Bush’s Presidency

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1 George Bush’s Presidency

2 Election of 1988 ______________ (R) v. _____________ (D)
“Read My Lips, _______________________”

3 Election Results of 1988

4 A “______________ America”
Bush continued much of Reagan’s policies Promised…well read it above.

5 ___________, 1989 World events showing that the __________ is waning and people are moving toward __________________ June: China crushed a pro-democracy movement in __________________ Television cameras showed this

6 Eastern Europe 1989 Poland’s “Solidarity Movement” successful and puppet government toppled Communist regimes in Hungary, Czech., Romania fall

7 Berlin Wall Falls December, 1989: Berlin Wall falls and the process of uniting ________________________________ begins

8 1990: Persian Gulf August, ‘90: Iraq’s ________________ attacks __________ in an attempt to gain a stranglehold on ____ in Middle East Needed to pay for 8 year war with ________ Could raise his power, hurt Israel and U.S.

9 U.N Condemns Iraq U.N. condemns attack on Kuwait and demands removal of Iraqi troops Hussein refused and UN put __________________________ on Iraq When sanctions did not work, UN gave Hussein ultimatum Leave Kuwait by January, 1991 or they would use “_________________” to expel troops.

10 January, 1991 U.S. deploys _________ troops (out of _____________________ U.N. troops) UN unleashes air attacks on Iraq Iraq responds by sending “Scud” missile attacks on civilians in Saudi Arabia and Israel Iraq also stockpiled on _____________, chemical and biological weapons Set _____________________ on fire

11 Operation Desert Storm
February, 1991: U.N. begins “__________________” Ground attack on Iraq Iraq surrendered in___ days Led by ________________________________

12 Results of Desert Storm
Bush’s popularity rating was ___% when Iraq surrendered U.N. deal called for ceasefire, but not for ___________________of Hussein Hurt Bush’s popularity rating War in Iraq in 2003?

13 End of Cold War Old-line communists try to overthrow _________________ in August, 1991 Gorbachev survives coup but resigns ____________ takes over USSR USSR ___________ in ___________________

14 Cold War Impact on U.S. Economy
Late 1980s-Early 1990s economy began to recover from 1987 __________________ End of Cold War meant: Decrease in ____________________ and missile construction Closing of a number of ___________________ Pentagon cancelled over _________________ in defense contracts Increase _______________ (especially California)

15 1992: Tax Increase To make up for downturn in economy, Bush ___________ taxes Goes back on “Read My Lips” promise Country fell into a _______________ Hurts popularity

16 ______________ Riots, 1991 Motorist beaten by LAPD
Officers acquitted of crimes in court Led to 3 days of rioting in LA People also frustrated by lack of domestic help in 1980s, Bush vetoing of civil rights legislation, perceived racism of LAPD Bush slow to act--hurt popularity

17 ________________ Scandal
Bush nominated ________________ to Supreme Court Accused of _______________ by Anita Hill Thomas _________ by Congress after hearings Again, hurt Bush’s popularity heading into election in 1992

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