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CCS database requirements

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1 CCS database requirements
Evgueni Vlasov, CERN (ITEP, Moscow) CCS has 2 big different tasks and as consequently 2 different types of databases: Calibration database for configuration of FE, Condition database for slow control values. Configuration(Construction?) database will be used also to define to which crate/slot number connected given supermodule. The correspondence tower - CCU number should be placed somewhere in construction or configuration database.

2 Construction/ Configuration data base
The proposal is to use the “physical” addresses for addressing to calibration data (Supermodule->Tower->Xtal) and not a “electronic” (slot number->ring number -> CCU number ->…). The transformation to “logical” addresses can be done easily in CCS supervisor. What we need for that is only (Supermodule – crate/slot) correspondence and (Tower – CCU number) correspondence. The rest of the addresses are fixed and can be translated to “electronic” addresses without using the data base.

3 Calibration data base This is not a big database.
We have about 1Mbyte calibration coefficients for barrel at each time. Even we will change all the set of parameters 3 times per day, about 1Tbyte of data will be collected during the 1 year of running of LHC.

4 Calibration data base Organization of tables:
It is clear that using of “device” (chip) as elementary structure is not a good idea from point of view of communication with FE (the slowest possible speed). It will be more convenient to have the set of the same parameter as elementary structure (raw of table). As example all the offsets for one tower (75 values) in one elementary structure. The most flexible is to have such structure for 1 Xtal, but it can be too expensive.

5 Conditional data base  Parameter     board     per tower   per SM   Tot ECAL barrel Frequency Low voltage     LVR       11?            748                     26928        mins Temperature    LVR         3              204                       mins Temperature    VFE          5               340                     mins Leak. curr.       VFE         25            1700                     mins Temperature    FEC          -                   2                           mins Total                              44             2994                    107784

6 What we need to process this data:
To mask bad channels To scale values (calibration coefficients) To do some actions if value is out of limits To store data into the database Obviously, this is functions of DCS… The question is: how to proceed this amount of data.

7 ….. Possible structure: DCS computer Local DCS (9000 parameters)
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