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Testing Multiple Linear Restrictions: The F-test

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1 Testing Multiple Linear Restrictions: The F-test
Three situations call for this test Testing exclusion restrictions. Example: Does the genre of background music affect sales at Mitchell’s ice cream? Testing the overall significance of a regression. Testing more complicated general linear restrictions motivated by a model.

2 Testing Multiple Linear Restrictions: The F-test
Two ways to calculate F-statistic: Using SSR: Using R-sq: Equivalent because 𝑆𝑆 𝑅 𝑒 =TSS 1βˆ’ 𝑅 𝑒 2 and 𝑆𝑆 𝑅 π‘Ÿ =TSS 1βˆ’ 𝑅 π‘Ÿ 2 How to remember which one comes first in the numerator? Remember that the F-statistic is always >0, so the one that is larger comes first. Note: When taking R-squared from Stata output to put it in this formula, do NOT square it! 𝐹= ( 𝑅 𝑒 2 βˆ’ 𝑅 π‘Ÿ 2 )/π‘ž (1βˆ’ 𝑅 𝑒 2 )/(π‘›βˆ’π‘˜βˆ’1)

3 Testing Multiple Linear Restrictions: The F-test
Test of the overall significance of a regression The test of overall significance is reported in most regression packages; the null hypothesis is usually overwhelmingly rejected The null hypothesis states that the explanatory variables are not useful at all in explaining the dependent variable Restricted model (regression on constant)

4 More use of the F-test Testing general linear restrictions with the F-test Example: Test whether house price assessments are rational The assessed housing value (before the house was sold) Size of lot (in feet) Actual house price Square footage Number of bedrooms In addition, other known factors should not influence the price once the assessed value has been controlled for. If house price assessments are rational, a 1% change in the assessment should be associated with a 1% change in price.

5 More use of the F-test Unrestricted regression Restricted regression
Test statistic The restricted model is actually a regression of [y-x1] on a constant cannot be rejected

6 More use of the F-test Regression output for the unrestricted regression The F-test works for general multiple linear hypotheses For all tests and confidence intervals, validity of assumptions MLR.1 – MLR.6 has been assumed. Tests may be invalid otherwise. When tested individually, there is also no evidence against the rationality of house price assessments

7 More examples Exercises

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