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Be A Health-Literate Consumer

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1 Be A Health-Literate Consumer
Chapter 3

2 Be Informed! Know about health services, products, effectiveness, and reliability Health Consumer: a person who purchases or uses health products or services

3 Influences on Health Decisions….
Big influences are from all types of media and advertising Be aware of hidden messages in advertising see page 49 in your health book….try to come up with one example of an advertising technique that you have seen in your life

4 Comparing your Choices
A good consumer comparison shops by paying attention to the following issues before buying: Cost Features Quality Warranty Safety Recommendations

5 Consumer Choices Online Shopping….things to think about:
Price--cost plus shipping: is it worth it? Convenience--shopping in your jammies!! Items are delivered to you. Product information--how much can you tell about the product from its description. You can’t try before you buy

6 How to Choose Health Services
What is the difference between a primary care physician and a specialist? Primary Care Physicians are your main general doctor that you go to for check-ups and can guide you on preventative care Specialists are doctors that focus on only one area of medicine

7 LOTS of Different Health Services!
Private Practices (doctors working for themselves) Clinics (outpatient care with a group of doctors in a community) Group Practices (doctors that share a building, supplies, equipment, etc. Hospitals Emergency Rooms Urgent Care (for emergencies that are not life threatening)

8 You Got Sick? Now You Gotta Pay!
Insurance… HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)—members pay a monthly fee but most health services are covered by the insurance or have a small copay for office visits PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)—Members pay a monthly fee and providers (doctors) agree to charge less than their regular fee. This can sometimes lead to more payments by you. POS (Point of Service)—Members can choose providers (docs) but doctors not in the “plan” may cost more.

9 Health Care Trends Birthing Centers Drug treatments centers
Continuing Care/Assisted Living Hospices Telemedicine

10 Your Health Care Have good communication with your doctor
Know your medical history Prepare for doctor visits when possible (write down issues beforehand, ask questions of your doctor, inform medical staff of allergies and medications you are taking) If you are prescribed a medication you can ask both your doctor and the pharmacist questions about your medication (side effects, generic brands, cost, symptoms the medicine treats)

11 Managing Consumer Problems…
Sometimes health products have problems Keep your receipts Know how to contact manufacturers Make sure you know how to use the product correctly

12 Health Fraud AKA “Quackery”
Products that make promises or claims to improve health or prevent diseases but they are actually worthless Weight Loss Products Beauty and anti-aging “Miracle” cures Some doctors fail to meet the standards of medicine and can be guilty of MALPRACTICE…Lawsuits, fines, loss of medical license!

13 How to Help Yourself Avoid “Quackery”
Organizations like The Better Business Bureau Consumer Advocates like Consumer’s Union or other groups Local, state, and federal government agencies like The Food and Drug Administration or The Consumer Product Safety Commission

14 Understanding Public Health Services
Take a look at page 65 in your Health book for a few minutes Familiarize yourself with some of the public health agencies available for YOU A KEY organization is WHO (World Health Organization) which includes cooperation between about 200 countries and territories. They assist with healthy living around the world, combat the spread of deadly diseases, and crises in war/natural disasters/living conditions/disease outbreaks. Another key to your Health is YOU…be your own advocate!

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