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Essay Pages Intro, body, conclusion

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1 Essay Pages 249 - 250 Intro, body, conclusion
2 – 3 body paragraphs Use integrated quotations for each paragraph Find a Coming of Age passage Find the theme from elements Analyze for literary elements (use page 248) Write thesis Check in with me Create outline Write essay

2 Essay Reminders Third person, Present tense Give your essay a title Italicize To Kill a Mockingbird Two quotations per paragraph Integrate Explain thoroughly Use transitions Eliminate Shows and Says

3 proves, indicates, clarifies, here, etc. NO: Says Find a synonym
Word Choice NO: Shows proves, indicates, clarifies, here, etc. NO: Says Find a synonym NO: You/I/me/we/us/our Use 3rd person

4 Essay Brainstorm Example
Passage: Mob Scene in Chapter 15 Lit elements: Imagery with men crowding Atticus and shouting angry hate speech. The incident is also foreshadowing of the larger event of the trial in which Atticus loses. Theme: People in society can be both good and evil. Thesis: The use of imagery and foreshadowing in the mob scene prove that people in society can be both good and evil.

5 Essay Structure - Introduction
A. Attention: Connection, outside quotation, statement. DO NOT begin by talking about To Kill a Mockingbird. B. Lead in: Link to A; Give title of novel and author name; discuss coming of age and your passage/plot C. Thesis *Continue using body paragraph PPT*

6 Write in Present Tense Present tense for your words. Don’t change quotations: Obama was talking to high school students about the importance of college. Obama talks to high school students about the importance of college. Third person – He/she, them/they, people When a person feels racism, he or she is upset. NOT: When you feel racism, you are upset.

7 How do you set up an integrated quotation?
Write a sentence introducing/giving background for your idea first. Then, write your integrated quotation. (your words + quotation) Write a sentence that explains and comments on the quotation. 1 Millicent knows Beverly bullies her. 2 This causes her to ponder “ [h]ow absurdly funny, taking orders from this girl like a servant” (Plath 261). 3 Even though Millicent realizes the bullying, she still has not come of age.

8 Review Integrated Quotations and Citations
Integrated quote notes are on Website under Reading and Writing Help Citation = (Author Last Name Page#) Only write number and not the word “page” Punctuation goes AFTER citation Example: Obama stresses that students “should go to college to help the older generation” (Obama 38).

9 Use transitions link on class site Where do place transitions?
Start of body paragraphs Between reasons At conclusion Refute

10 Integrated Quotations and Analysis
Use the 3 step process Quote integrated correctly – check quote integration notes. NO: This quote says… NO: In this quotation… NO: On page #... Analysis starts with a transition NO: This quotation says… NO: This quotation indicates… NO: According to this quotation… NO: This shows…

11 Introducing Evidence or Analysis
Eliminate the word “shows” This displays, exhibits, portrays, indicates… Here, In this situation,

12 Format Your Essay 1 2 3 Times New Roman 12 pt
Double space entire essay Header – Last name Page # Header – use same formatting Creative Title

13 Structure of a Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence (1 sentence) Embed evidence: Give context Integrate quotations Commentary/analysis Transition Embed evidence – There is no specific amount you need, but you need to transition between each piece Concluding Sentence/Transition (1 sentence – connects back to your topic sentence)

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