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1 Add to table of Contents:
Darwin’s journey Pg. 68 Theories of Evolution Pg. 69

2 Theories of Evolution Biological Evolution: the change of populations of organisms over time. New life forms are really modified versions of older ones in same geographic area. 2 Explanations: Lamarck’s Darwin’s

3 Jean Baptiste Lamarck Thought acquired traits (learned, not inherited) could be passed to offspring. Not True!!

4 Charles Darwin Spent 5 years aboard H.M.S. Beagle traveling world & recording observations. Animal adaptations and geographic changes required VERY LONG periods of time to occur

5 Attach map to page 68

6 Modern Evolutionary Thought
Natural Selection: organisms best suited to their environments will reproduce more successfully Over time, # organisms with favorable traits increases within a population

7 English Peppered moths
Who wants to try?

8 Artificial Selection Artificial Selection – humans intentionally breeding organisms to obtain desired traits. Ex. Dogs- all 654 breeds share DNA similarities with wolves in East Asia. This shows humans domesticated dogs from wolves, then selectively bred them to get today’s breeds.

9 Modification by Natural Selection
The Process: 1) Organisms better equipped to survive environment will produce more offspring. 2) Eventually, population made up of only successful members. 3) Over time, an entirely new species may form!!

10 Descent with Modification
“Newer forms appearing in fossil record are actually modified descendants of older species” Implies that ALL species descended from only a few ancient organisms

11 Adaptation Populations adapt as their # of favorable traits increases
The types of traits that are favorable depends on the environment Examples: Mimicry: a harmless species resembles a dangerous one; both are avoided by predators Penicillin-resistant bacteria, rose thorns, etc. Camouflage: enables species to blend with surroundings As genetic makeup of popltn changes, evolution occurs


13 Patterns of Evolution The pattern & speed with which organisms adapt is dependent upon their environment 3 Patterns: 1) Coevolution 2) Convergent Evolution 3) Divergent Evolution 4) Artificial Selection

14 Coevolution Coevolution: the change of 2 or more species in close association. i.e. predator/prey; parasite/host; plants/herbivores

15 Convergent Evolution Convergent Evolution: occurs when environment selects phenotype Results in similar phenotypes of different organisms i.e.: body shape of dolphin (mammal) & shark (fish)

16 Divergent Evolution Divergent Evolution: when 2 related species become more dissimilar. Adaptive Radiation: when different species evolve from common ancestor. i.e.: Galapagos finches

17 Divergent evolution example

18 Natural Selection = “Survival of the Fittest”
Individuals don’t evolve, populations do!

19 Camouflage is a way that species have adapted to their environments.

20 Butterflies – example of camouflage

21 Butterflies – example of mimicry

22 Butterflies – examples of trickery

23 Butterflies – examples of don’t eat me! And trickery

24 Now you are going to create your own camouflaged butterfly.
Rules: 1. It can not be all 1 color. (at least 2 colors) 2. Has to be placed somewhere in full view around outside edges of the classroom. 3. Can’t be on floor or ceiling.


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