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Savannah District Presentation

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1 Savannah District Presentation
Prepared By Name LTC Stephen Peterson Deputy Commander Savannah District, US Army Corps of Engineers 18 October 2017

2 Savannah District Mission
Building Strong for America! Provides facilities for Soldiers, Airmen and families Enables free-flow of commerce Conserves and protects the region’s water and natural resources Enhances family recreation

3 Our Greatest Asset: Our People
Organization Our Greatest Asset: Our People Diverse Approximately 700 Multi-disciplined Engineers, architects, project managers, park rangers, hydrologists, and many other specialists Customer focused Reviewed 10 October 2017 by Cynthia Powers Approximately 700 professionals, multi-disciplined and customer focused. The diversity of skills and experience reflect the breath and depth of district’s mission. Current Employee Stats: Permanent Temps/Terms 9 Rehired Annuitants 11 Students (on the rise) + the following are not on our roles DA interns (on the rise) Obligated positions 29 Deployed / active duty 10

4 Savannah District At Glance
Has served the nation since 1829 Supports 7 Army and 4 Air Force installations in 2 states Deployed 200+ personnel for combat support since 2001 Maintains two deep water ports Operates 3 major dams for hydropower, flood risk management, recreation, water quality/supply, downstream navigation, and fish and wildlife protection Hosts 15+ million annual visitors to 3 major reservoirs Regulates and protects aquatic resources in Georgia Executes the Homeowners Assistance Program for DoD


6 FY18 Savannah District’s Workload
Real Estate $80.5M Civil Works $206.1M Updated Oct. 10, 2017 via Cynthia Powers Military $579M Regulatory $6.3M Total: $924 million Environmental $52.2M

7 SAS Workload Trends Dollars in 000
Updated Oct. 10, 2017 via Cynthia Powers

8 SAS Military Program Trends
Reviewed 11 Oct 17 by Tony Cady. We anticipate a slight increase in MILCON in FY18 as compared to FY17 followed by a reduction in MILCON funded projects thru FY20. Of particular note is the activity associated with the movement of the Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) and the investment in the Cyber Center of Excellence (CCoE) training facilities at Ft. Gordon, Georgia. Ft. Gordon is undergoing a transformation on the installation that rivals what the Army experienced in the BRAC The aggregate of these projects equates to a Department of Defense (DoD) investment in excess of $2 billion over the next 12 years. In 2016, ARCYBER began construction of their facilities to move their headquarters and operations to Ft. Gordon, GA by Additionally, ARCYBER is planning to build a cyber simulations lab and expand its operations facilities from 2020 to 2024. The Cyber Center of Excellence (CCoE) will completely transform its campus through multiple MCA and R&M projects from 2017 to 2028. The “cornerstone" of the growth for the CCoE are four (4) MCA projects that will construct new CCOE campus facilitates generating the Army’s newest Branch—the Cyber Branch.

9 Civil Works Program Trends
Reviewed 2 October 2017, via Jo Ann Hambly FY16 - Actual Allocations as of 31 August 2016 to include work plan funding and reprogramming actions Federal Funding: 48,370,000 SHEP 7,222,000 DA 770,000 RBR 386,000 CAP Non-Fed funding: 30,000,000 SHEP 4,665,000 DA ,000 CAP Investigation is Misc GI 226,600 and SRBA 200,000 O&M includes $65,355,000 from FY16 Work plan; Contributed funds of $3M for Brunswick Harbor FY17 - Actual Allocations: Federal funding based on President’s Budget: 42,950,000 shep; 930,000 RBR; $2,884,000 Tybee Island Supplemental; 248,000 CAP NonFederal Funding: 0 SHEP ,000 CAP Last year for Brunswick Harbor Deepening and Lower Savannah River Basin (carry-in funds) Investigation is Misc GI 117,000 Comp 137,000 (last year); SRBA Ecosystem 170,000 (suspended) O&M President’s budget, work plan and supplemental 103,785,000 (Savannah Harbor $44M (WP ($15M) and Supplemental ($4.9M); Brunswick Harbor $18M (WP $6.8M and Supplemental $6.7M); JST $18M; AIWW $2.1M) FY Based on FY18 President’s Budget Federal Funding: SHEP 50,060,000 Fed/$34,000,000 non-Fed and 2,175,000 cap (Rocky Creek going to DI phase) Non-Federal Funding: 1,275,000 CAP ; Investigation is Misc GI only 150,000 O&M President’s Budget $71,573,500 FY19 - Federal Funding: SHEP 50,000,000 Fed/$30,000,000 Non-Fed and Disposal Area (Federal: 8,663,000 and N/F 4,665,000); O&M flatlined at FY18 levels $72M FY20 Federal Funding: 50,000,000 SHEP Non-Federal Funding: NO non-federal funds for SHEP Investigation is Misc GI only 150,000

10 Reimbursable Program Trends
Updated Oct. 10, 2017, via Tom Woodie Environmental Remediation Services Military Munitions Response Program Environmental Consulting Services Fort Gillem and Fort McPherson continue to be the large drivers of the work but will reduce over time as the final portions of those former Army Forts are transferred under BRAC. ** Designated the lead to engage EPA Region 4

11 Fort Gordon – Cyber Transformation
“The DoD’s recognized experts for cyberspace, signal, and electronic warfare; develops DOTMLPF solutions that synchronize Warfighting functions in the converging land and cyberspace domains.”

66 Projects -- ~$1.5B to $2.0B Investment Complex funding/sequencing -- MCA, UMMCA, OMA/SRM, and OPA Multiple Supported Commands – USARCYBER Command (ASCC) TRADOC INSCOM NETCOM IMCOM Savannah District Support Construction – Ft Gordon Area Office staffing increase (23 to 38) LTC – LNO to Transformation Team PM – Gordon execution team led by GS14

13 ARMY CYBER COMMAND 335,000 SF Facility
FY 16 Project (PN85818): $85.75M (Base + Transformer + Backup Power GEN options) FY 17 Project (PN85811): $74.21M (Option on FY16 Contract) FY17 PN85818 Existing Whitelaw Facility FY16 PN85811

14 CYBER Center of Excellence (COE)
Campus FY-19 FY-20 FY-22 FY-25 The Cyber CoE Campus (MCA) FY19. SCI Training, Research, and Network Center. 139,392 SF. $90M PA. FY20. SCI Mission Command, University Registrar, Force Modernization and Proponency Facility. 235,672 SF. $89M PA. FY22. Secret Cyber and DoD Information Network Training Facility. 221,090 SF. $85M PA. FY25. Secret Auditorium and Faculty Operations Facility. 132,809 SF. $69M PA 4 MCA, numerous UMMCA and SRM Projects = $906.8M investment over next 10 years in support of TRADOC.

15 SHEP at a Glance 4 Navigational Improvement Features
8 Mitigation Features Environmental Monitoring & Adaptive Management Sequencing to meet Environmental Requirements Project summary in terms of contract execution Net National benefit of $282M 15

16 SHEP Progress Project Feature Progress Start Date CSS Georgia 95%
January 2015 Entrance Channel Dredging 60% September 2015 Dissolved Oxygen Injection System 52% February 2016 Raw Water Impoundment 91% March 2016 First Dike Raising 100% Completed July 2017 Sediment Basin Tidegate Removal (Flow Re-Routing) 92% October 2016 McCoy’s Cut Area Work (Flow Re-Routing) 0% Award Late FY18 Marsh Restoration Design in FY18 Freshwater Wetlands Acquisition Transfered to USFWS Fish Passage Design Phase Sediment Basin Rock Weir & Fill (Flow Re-Routing) Design in FY19 Inner Harbor Dredging Design Phase; Award FY19 Updated by Spencer Davis and Russell Wicke 11 October 2017 Environmental Navigation Cultural Resources

17 Watch our progress from the SHEP webpage at:
Keep up with SHEP Watch our progress from the SHEP webpage at:

18 Military Construction
Supports Army and Air Force installations in GA and NC Provides support to more than one-fifth of the Army Numerous military projects adding to more than $866 million under contract Builds state-of-the-art facilities to support Soldiers, Airmen, and their families Barracks Dining Facilities Training Areas and Ranges Command and Control Buildings Administrative Buildings Operational Facilities Community Service Facilities Medical Treatment Facilities Roads and Bridges Slide Updated via slide 6 Savannah District projects: Integrated team approach Includes project managers, engineers, architects, planners, safety specialists Work closely with local installations to ensure we’re meeting customer needs. We contract with the Nation’s best construction companies In five of the past six years, the Savannah district received the award for highest customer satisfaction rating -- a testament to its dedication to Soldiers. FY12: 219 military projects at $2.17 billion (Constructions dollar amounts info provided by Alan Barrow, CD, 5 Jan 12) Photos(CLOCKWISE FROM TOP): FORSCOM/USARC HQ (Fort Bragg); WT Barracks (Ft. Stewart); Consolidated Support Center (Seymour Johnson AFB)

19 Military Construction
Marshall Hall at Fort Bragg Community Hospital at Fort Stewart AIT Barracks at Fort Benning New Hospital Complex at Fort Benning

20 Ft. Gordon Transformation
TBUP Barracks at Fort Gordon Cyber Command at Fort Gordon Cyber Center of Excellence TBUP DFAC at Fort Gordon Reviewed by Tony Cady 11 Oct 2017 Ft. Gordon, Georgia (FGGA) is undergoing a transformation on the installation that rivals what the Army experienced in the BRAC The aggregate of these projects equates to a Department of Defense (DoD) investment in excess of $2 billion over the next 12 years. Major projects include: ARCYBER HQ – FY16/17 - $180M Cyber CoE Campus – FY19/20/22/25 - $350M Access Control Point - $33M Allen Hall Renovation - $30M Moran Hall Renovation - $18.5M ARCYBER Company Operations Facility - $10M AIT Barracks Ph III - $59M Blood Donor Clinic - $10M Renovate Vincent Hall - $52M Renovate Gannex - $24M ARCYBER Certification & Simulation Center - $76M Brandt Hall Renovation - $32M Cobb Hall Renovation - $21M Dixon Hall Renovation - $21M

21 Small Business Trends *This number is an estimation only
Reviewed Oct. 10, 2017 via Leila Hollis *This number is an estimation only

22 Cyber, Security & IT Opportunities
CONTRACTS AT FORT GORDON Project Title / Project Description Type of Work Estimated Award Anticipated Sources Sought Set-Aside Category Anticipated Solicitation Date PN Cyber CoE Battle Lab Construction $1M - $5M TBD 2nd Qtr 18 PN Automation Aided Instructional Bldg $10M - $25M PN SCI Tng, Research & Network Center Design $5M - $10M 1st Qtr 18 PN 88461 Allen Hall Renovation $10-$25M PN SCI Mission Command, Registrar, Force Mod Facility 1st Qtr 19 Reviewed by Tony Cady 11 Oct 2017 Confirmed by Jennifer Murphy Mason 22 March 2017

23 Contract Opportunities: IDIQ
A/E CONTRACTS PROPONENT ORGANIZATION CONTRACT CONTRACT CAPACITY BUSINESS STANDARD SCOPE ADVERTISE Engineering Division General Design (MILCON) $20M UR Preparation of reports, studies, master planning, project planning, design criteria, preparation of drawings and specifications, commissioning, cost estimates, and other general A-E services for multi-disciplined projects. POP 5 years. 3 in 1st Qtr FY18, 3 in 1st Qtr FY20 (CIVIL WORKS) $15M 1st Qtr FY19 Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services $3M SB Topographic surveying and mapping; generation of triangulated irregular networks (TIN) and digital elevation models (DEMS); property and boundary surveys; preparation of drawings, maps and plats; and performance of records and drawing (plat) research necessary to locate property lines and monuments in the field. POP 5 years. 1st Qtr FY18 Construction Management Services Furnish the required personnel, equipment, instruments, and transportation, as necessary to accomplish the required services and furnish to the Government reports and other data together with supporting material developed during the period of service, 5 years. 1st Qtr FY20 $8M Updated October 4, 2017, by: Eng: Sam Hong Confirmed by Jennifer Murphy Mason 22 March 2017

24 Contract Opportunities: IDIQ
REIMBURSABLE MILITARY PROGRAM PROPONENT ORGANIZATION CONTRACT CONTRACT CAPACITY BUSINESS SIZE SCOPE ADVERTISE Military Programs NC MATOC $75M SB Design/Build General Construction NAICS Code: Pool 3-5 Contractors POP 5 Years Area of Coverage SAD 1st Qtr FY18 GA/SC MATOC $249M UR East Georgia SATOC $45M Bragg Paving SATOC $95M Design/Build Paving Construction NAICS Code: & Area of Coverage Fort Bragg, Seymour Johnson & Surrounding Areas Updated October 11, 2017, by Reinhardt, Christopher D.

25 Contract Opportunities: IDIQ
SERVICES PROPONENT ORGANIZATION CONTRACT CONTRACT CAPACITY BUSINESS STANDARD SCOPE ADVERTISE Environmental Programs Environmental Consulting Services (ECS) MATOC $50M 8(a) Environmental compliance support and full range of environmental consulting services. Up to 4 Contractors in pool POP 5 Years NAICS 1QTR FY18 Updated Oct. 0, 2017, by ENV: Woodie Confirmed by Jennifer Murphy Mason 22 March 2017

26 Contract Opportunities: Standalone
MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PROPONENT ORGANIZATION CONTRACT MAGNITUDE OF CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS STANDARD ACQUISITION ADVERTISE Military Programs Access Control Point, Ft. Gordon, GA $25M - $50M UR Design Build “C’ Type RFP 2nd Qtr FY18 Allen Hall Renovation, $10M - $25M Design Bid Build “C’ Type LPTA Company Operations Facility, 3rd Qtr FY18 Army Family Housing $5M - $10M SB Replace Fuel Truck Offload Facility Seymour-Johnson AFB $10 - $25M Design Bid Build “C” Type Updated 11 Oct 2017 by Tony Cady Confirmed by Jennifer Murphy Mason 22 March 2017

27 Contract Opportunities: Standalone
CIVIL WORKS PROGRAM PROPONENT ORGANIZATION CONTRACT MAGNITUDE OF CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS STANDARD SCOPE ADVERTISE Operations Division SH Inner Harbor Maintenance Dredging $10M - $25M UR Maintenance Dredging NAICS 3rd Qtr FY18 BH Inner Harbor Maintenance Dredging $1M - $5M SB Civil Works Project Management McCoy’s Cut Area Work $25-100M New Work Dredging 4th Qtr FY18 Updated Oct. 2, 2017, by Spencer Davis Katie Kuehn Confirmed by Jennifer Murphy Mason 22 March 2017

28 Contact Information Leila Hollis, Chief, Small Business Office (912) Paige Blechinger, Chief, Contracting Division (912) Thomas Woodie, Chief, Reimbursable Programs & Project Management Branch (912) Mackie McIntosh, Chief, Civil Works Programs & Project Management Branch (912) Glynn Richards, Acting Chief, Military Programs & Project Management Branch (912) Updated with January 2016

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