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The Club Secretary shall forwarded the full template to the Age Group/Team Manager who shall fill in the registration card by the following procedure.

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Presentation on theme: "The Club Secretary shall forwarded the full template to the Age Group/Team Manager who shall fill in the registration card by the following procedure."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Club Secretary shall forwarded the full template to the Age Group/Team Manager who shall fill in the registration card by the following procedure. To fill in the card follow this process :- Please have a folder set up on your device to hold all the OFFICERS photographs, which should be recent, head and shoulder shots and with the OFFICERS’ features clearly visible. (Poor quality will be rejected). Place the curser into the top box and type in the CLUB NAME Place the curser into the fourth box and type in the OFFICERS NAME Place the curser into the PICTURE BOX and RIGHT CLICK on the mouse, a navigation box will appear, click onto CHANGE PICTURE, a second navigation box will appear reading INSERT PICTURE, in the top box click on browse, locate your picture files set up earlier, double click on the Named Players’ Picture and it will load into the picture box. Repeat this process for each new OFFICER. INSERT DATE OF REGISTRATION. INSERT EXSISTING ID NUMBER FOR RETURNING OFFICERS. LEAVE ID NUMBER BLANK FOR NEW OFFICERS. DO NOT NO ALTER ANYTHING OTHER THAN INDICATED IN THE ABOVE PROCESS. The team Manager MUST verify the OFFICER by placing his or her initials in the appropriate area. When fully completed with ALL the OFFICERS to be registered, the Manager MUST return the full template to the Club Secretary for verification. The Club Secretary, once they are fully satisfied as to the OFFICERS details and status, shall also verify the registration in the same manner and forward the template on for the League Registration process to be completed. Full address details for all OFFICERS must be sent to the League but under separate cover.

2 of the League Executive
2017/18 Season FAN Matt Meadus League Committee Discipline Secretary The holder is an Official of Eastleigh & District Mini Soccer League and acts with the authority of the League Executive

3 of the League Executive
2017/18 Season FAN Kevin Thornton League Executive Treasurer & U10 Secretary The holder is an Official of Eastleigh & District Mini Soccer League and acts with the authority of the League Executive

4 of the League Executive
2017/18 Season FAN Jim Gamblin League Committee Referee Secretary The holder is an Official of Eastleigh & District Mini Soccer League and acts with the authority of the League Executive

5 of the League Executive
2017/18 Season FAN Chris Thomas League Committee Charter Standard & U9 Secretary The holder is an Official of Eastleigh & District Mini Soccer League and acts with the authority of the League Executive

6 of the League Executive
2017/18 Season FAN Bob Galpin League Executive League General Secretary The holder is an Official of Eastleigh & District Mini Soccer League and acts with the authority of the League Executive

7 of the League Executive
2017/18 Season FAN Paul Taylor League Executive Chairman The holder is an Official of Eastleigh & District Mini Soccer League and acts with the authority of the League Executive

8 NSPCC Valid for Playing Season 2017-18 Child Safeguarding
If you have concerns about a child or young person please contact the League Welfare Officer - Paul Taylor on  or in an emergency the NSPCC helpline on  or by This card is the property of the EDMSL, if found please

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