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Getting Started with PowerTeacher Pro Grs K-2

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started with PowerTeacher Pro Grs K-2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started with PowerTeacher Pro Grs K-2
Make sure your speakers are on!

2 You will enter PowerTeacher Pro from PowerSchool Teacher.
Click on the link under one of your classes.

3 This is your class selector. If you click on the down arrow,
you will get a list of your current classes.

4 Help Icon “Charms” Bar Term Selector

5 Settings

6 Since K-2 grades only involve standards, we recommend you remove any traditional grades settings. You can uncheck the options to Show traditional grades & show standards on assignments. You can also remove professional judgment indicator options. Select your other display options & remember to save.

7 Entering Standards Grades

8 Select a class Select Grading>Standards

9 Term Class/subject Class roster Standards

10 When you are ready to enter scores, click on the spreadsheet
When you are ready to enter scores, click on the spreadsheet. The score inspector will appear. Simply type in the score. You can hit enter or tab to move down or across the spreadsheet, or you can use the arrows in the score inspector. You can also fill down or across the spreadsheet by entering a score and then clicking the down or side arrow. This will fill all EMPTY cells either down or across the spreadsheet. Save when you are finished.

11 Entering comments to print on the report card

12 Comments will be entered under behaviors that support learning
Comments will be entered under behaviors that support learning. This is not to restrict the comments to only bhv’s, but simply a holding place for any comments you want to print on the report card. Notice the comment icon attached to the first standard. A text box will appear in the score inspector for comments. Again, you can use enter on the keyboard or arrow through your class list using the score inspector. New this year in the elementary schools is a comment bank. Click on the textbox icon in the score inspector. Then click comment bank. We have provided two comments to add to the report card for students who have modified curriculum in math or LA. Place a check mark in the boxes as they apply and click insert comments. Close the comment bank. When you are finished, be sure to save.

13 Student Information

14 Select Students>Demographics
Then select a student

15 Click here to select a different student This screen contains student & parent information

16 Click on the arrow for any class/subject to see standards details
For an in-gradebook look at what administrators see, select Students>Quick Lookup-Standards Then select a student

17 Standards Grades Progress

18 Note the term and the class/subject
Select Progress>Standards Graphical representation of standards grades distribution Click here for more details

19 Click here to change terms for
comparison and to select/deselect other options for trend data Individual student and term comparisons

20 When you are finished working
in PowerTeacher Pro, click here to return to PowerSchool Teacher Or here to log out

21 Please explore PowerTeacher Pro further!

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