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Common Misspelled Words

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1 Common Misspelled Words
accept: to receive - “a gift” except: to exclude - leave out - exchange w/ but

2 advice: (Noun) a recommendation - you get
advise: (Verb) a recommendation - you give (advizzze)

3 already: previously done - (ask when?)
. all ready: all= group / prepared -completely

4 affect: (Verb) middle of sent. = act of change
effect: (Noun) result-consequence- answer

5 all right: alright - allright = WRONG two words = 2 L ’s --- means “Okay”

6 altar: table/stand in a religious place
(a =amen) alter: to change-

7 altogether: exchange w/ ‘entirely’
It was (altogether) too hot for a picnic. (entirely) all together: (group) in the same place/at same time

8 brake: a device to stop - car/bike
break: to shatter / to rest

9 capital: letters/ city / location of gov’t.
capitol: building of gov’t. - DOME

10 choose: to select /pick - (ooze/shoes)
chose: past tense of choose - (rose)

11 cloths: rags/ towels (clean a car)
clothes: attire - your clothing

12 coarse: rough material or surface ( sandpaper/salt)
course: path - trail - golf - of study - ‘of course’

13 complement: complete - final touch
compliment: say nice things - opposite of ‘insult’

14 council: committee - group finishing a job - ‘student council’
counsel: advice/advise - therapist/priest councilor: member of the committee counselor: student counselor/Mrs. Hopper - ‘camp counselor’

15 desert: (RTS) = a dry, barren land – Sahara
desert: (RTS) to abandon -to leave - (troops) dessert: a sweet treat/after a meal -double scoop -

16 formally: a fancy, upscale, strict, classy
formerly: previously, prior, earlier date

17 loose: not tight - (moose) ex: belt
lose: to suffer a loss -- “o” -- won

18 led: (verb) past tense of ‘to lead’
lead: (verb) to go first- be a leader-long “e” sound led: (verb) past tense of ‘to lead’ lead: (N) a heavy metal -graphite/pencil/pipe

19 peace: quiet/secure/still/no noise
piece: (pie) part of something

20 past: (Noun)= time that has gone by (present/future/past)
passed: (verb) went by go by toss something past: (Noun)= time that has gone by (present/future/past) (Adj.)= ended

21 its: belongs to - shows possession
it’s: it is / it has


23 here: in this place (ask? = where?) replace w/ ‘there’
hear: to receive sound here: in this place (ask? = where?) replace w/ ‘there’

24 plain: simple /common -
flat area of LAND plane: a flat surface (think math) a carpenter’s tool – an airplane

25 principal: head of a school - he is your ‘pal’-
**chief/main=Will Smith principle: a rule of conduct - a truth

26 quiet: still and peaceful - without noise
quite: exchange w/ ‘too’ - great extent/degree

27 shone: past tense of ‘to shine’ –glowed
shown: revealed/demonstrate

28 stationary: not moving-standing still (bike)
stationery: a letter /paper -Hallmark

29 than: comparison -My car is better than yours.
then: at that time - think - when?

30 their: belonging to ‘them’ – pronoun
there: at a ‘place’ - think (where?) they’re: they are - (contraction)

31 threw: to toss (past tense)
through: go inside and out the opposite (tunnel)

32 to: in the direction of : toward
two: one + one = 2 too: exchange with “ also” - “more than enough”

33 waist: the midsection of the body - (belt)
waste: to use foolishly (time - $) – trash weak: not strong – feeble week: 7 days in a week - time frame

34 weather: condition of the atmosphere
whether: exchange w/ “if”

35 who’s: contraction = who is
whose: pronoun = belonging to whom

36 your: pronoun = belonging to you
you’re: pronoun/contraction = you are

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