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Algae Reproduction of ulva.

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1 Algae Reproduction of ulva

2 Alternation of Generations
Plants reproduce by switching back and forth between haploid and diploid generations. This is called alternation of generations.

3 Alternation of Generations
Diploid plants (sporophytes): They always have a complete set of chromosomes; one from each parent.

4 Alternation of Generations
Haploid plants (gametophytes): These plants only have one set of chromosomes from one parent only. In ulva, the sporophyte and gametophyte generations look the same!

5 Reproduction of the Ulva
Note: Isogamy: Iso = same, gamy = gametes, so gametes of the same size and appearance. Heterogamy: Hetero = different, so gametes that are of different sizes. Syngamy: The fusion of gametes.

6 Reproduction of the Ulva
Step 1: The sporophyte develops into a diploid (2N) plant that is identical to the haploid plant. Step 2: Specialized cells in the sporophyte undergo meiosis to produce haploid zoospores. This is asexual.

7 Reproduction of the Ulva
Step 3: The zoospores do not fuse, instead they divide by mitosis and form different (male /female ) gametophytes. Step 4: Gametophytes grow into haploid gametophyte plants.

8 Reproduction of the Ulva
Step 5: The gametophyte plants produce haploid female and male gametes. The gametes are not the same size (heterogamy) Step 6: The gametes fuse (syngamy) and fertilization occurs. This is the sexual stage.

9 Reproduction of the Ulva
Step 7: A diploid (2N) zygote is formed. Step 8: The zygote develops into a sporophyte.

10 Reproduction of the Ulva
Asexual stage: This allows for quick population growth when the conditions are good. Sexual stage: This might help algae survive sudden changes in the environment.



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