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Character Trait: Positive Attitude

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1 Character Trait: Positive Attitude
Based on pages of What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide to Building Character by Barbara A. Lewis

2 What does this mean? “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s own attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” -Viktor Frankel

3 Consider Helen Keller “An illness left Helen Keller blind, deaf, and mute at 21 months of age. Although she lived in a world of silence and darkness, she became a voice of hope and light. It wasn’t easy for her. She struggled in her mind to find a connection to others, a door to the world. When she did, she held the door for others, making it possible for many people to believe in themselves.”

4 Consider Malcolm X “When Malcolm X was in prison from , he could have vegetated. Instead, he spent those years educating himself. He copied every word from the dictionary, learned about the Black Muslims, and became a convert. Upon his release from prison, he drew national attention for his writings and powerful speeches.”

5 10 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude

6 1. Choose to be Optimistic
The optimist sees a glass of water as half full The pessimist sees the glass of water as half empty. Choose to see the glass as half full!

7 2. Accept Things as They Are
Don’t struggle, whine, and bang your head against a brick wall when things don’t go right – behaviors that make you the helpless victim Some things will never change, but you can choose how to respond

8 3. Choose to be Resilient Trees that bend in a storm continue to stand
Like a tree, you can bend and sway and bounce back again supported by your strong deep roots.

9 4. Choose to be Enthusiastic
Greet each day with excitement Hang around people who are enthusiastic Use affirmations Example: “I can do this!”

10 5. Have a Sense of Humor Humor is the best medicine to help you maintain a positive attitude Laughing increases endorphins, a chemical that is known to make people feel good Laugh at yourself Be silly

11 6. Be a Good Sport Being a good sport means losing gracefully – smiling, shaking hands with the winner, not blaming other people or circumstances for your loss

12 7. Be Humble Don’t toot your own horn Pride comes before a fall
Let others notice your good qualities

13 8. Be Grateful Focusing on your blessings helps you maintain a positive attitude

14 9. Have Hope Without hope, life has no meaning
Hope keeps you going when times are tough

15 10. Create Positive Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true Example: The instructor of a college class goes over the syllabus. The student figures the best he can get in the class is a “B”. He ends up getting a “B” in the class. Make your prediction positive!

16 Activity Cards Divide into groups of 3-5 students.
Read and discuss the questions on the 8 activity cards.

17 On Your Own

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