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DIAMET 8 Feb 2012 Data availability.

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1 DIAMET 8 Feb 2012 Data availability

2 FAAM data on BADC Flight Core FAAM Core cloud Dropsondes Aries B647 r1 r0 r0, 9 B648 r0, 15 B650 r0,16 *** B651 B652 r2 r0,1 B654 B655 r0, 13 B656 r0,8† B657 none B658 r0,21 B662 r0, 17 *** sonde missing; sonde failed two dropsondes missing? Not clear what revisions have been made from r0 -> r1 -> r2; some information in file header. Final winds not done yet – needs about a week’s work at FAAM. Manchester cloud probes: Jonny almost ready to put netcdf files on BADC (non-core) CIP-100: Jonny is processing these data and will put them on project workspace (hdf files)

3 Data issues B647 CIP-100 not working B648
Turbulence probe icing LWC measurement invalid on second sector from T/O B650 Turbulence proble iced up B651 GE not working => TWC data at the moment uncalibrated, needs to be calibrated using BUCK. Nevzorov logged separately B652 GPS not working; Nevzorov logged separately; double check turbu calibration coefficient B654 GPS not working; Nevzorov logged separately B655 Turbulence probe icing Co spike 1451 poss. not real B656 B657 GIN not working at beginning of flight ==> will have knock-on effects on Turbu-data, BBR-data, etc; Nevzorov logged separately Turb probe icing B658 Nevzorov logged separately Turb probe has drifted upwards since B653 B662 Heimann cal not working properly; Nevzorov logged separately; turbulence probe iffy ;non deiced temperature not working GE not working => TWC data at the moment uncalibrated, needs to be calibrated using BUCK. many data missing for the first two hours of the flight due to DRS problem

4 Radar data on BADC Chilbolton
composite polar reflectivity polar doppler Type Chenies y R,D Cobbacombe Clee Hill Dean Hill Y Hameldon Hill R Jersey Predannack Wardon Hill ? Castor Bay Crug-y-Gorllwyn Drum a Starraig Holehead Hill of Dudwick High Moorsley Ingham Munduff Hill Thurnham R,Pol Dublin R, Irish Shannon R,Irish Chilbolton Data not on BADC. Need to chase this with John Nicol

5 Radiosonde data on workspace
Met O for Met O data Date Camborne Castor Bay Aberystwyth Arran Lerwick DIAMET synop Sep-13 4 Sep-16 1 2 5 Sep-20 6 ? 3 + 1 Sep-21 Sep-23 3 Nov 24-25 8 Nov-29 7 12 Dec-01 No Lerwick Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-06 Dec-08 Dec-11 Dec-12 Total 40 34

6 Other data AWS data. In Leeds? Needs putting on workspace
Wind profilers: MST radar data all on BADC

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