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Presentation on theme: "Poverty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty

2 Poverty Poverty threshold – income level below which income is insufficient to support a family/household $14,657– single parent family with 1 child $23,021 – family of four Poverty rate - % of people who live in households with their income below the poverty threshold

3 Causes of Poverty Lack of education Location – inner city vs suburbs
Racial/Gender discrimination Economic shifts last hired, first fired Shifts in family structure Single parent families

4 Anti-Poverty Policies
The Government spends billions of dollars Cash assistance – education (grants, loans) - medical benefits (ahcccs) b. Non-cash asst. Food stamps Subsidized housing

5 Anti-Poverty cont. Enterprise Zone
Companies can relocate free of taxes and restrictions (inner cities) Employment Assistance Job training Minimum wage

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