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PACS/EPIC 1999-2004 Enhanced Monitoring
Marine Boundary-Layer and Cloud Analysis Using the ESRL EPIC/VOCALS East Pacific Ship Observation Database C. W. Fairall(1), D. Wolfe (1), S. Pezoa (1), Simon DeSoeke (1), L. Bariteau (1, 2), Bruce Albrecht(3), Efthymios Serpetzoglou (3), Virendra Ghate (3), and Paquita Zuidema (3) Results from NOAA Cruises PACS/EPIC Enhanced Monitoring 9 cruises Stratus 2001, Enhanced Monitoring 6 cruises VOCALS 2008 REALLY big field program DYNAMO 2011 REALLY, REALLY big program
DOE/ARM CART sites: surface-based measurements, cloud profiling – comprehensive, expensive & a few fixed LAND sites Intensive ship/aircraft-based field campaigns: similar to ARM but short duration – comprehensive and expensive Extended Monitoring Example: Tropic Eastern Pacific PACS/Monitoring project ; 9 cruises Fairall et al. 2007 Buoys Much better spatial distribution/sampling Full annual cycle Much more limited in measured variables Cronin et al. 2006a, 2006b
Observation Systems Air-sea Fluxes, Clouds, Precipitation
DYNAMO2011 EPIC2001 STRATUS2003 Cloud Radar and Microwave Radiometer
EXAMPLE: Measurement Systems for Stratus Cruises
Cruise Tracks PACS: Spring 2000-2002 Fall 1999 - 2004
Creation of Synthesis Data Sets:
PACS/EPIC Enhanced Monitoring,10 cruises Flux, Microwave, Ceilometer data in 3 separate files Software to read, merge, process, plot the files Stratus 2001, Enhanced Monitoring, 7 cruises Merging already done for list of spiffy variables
PACS Synthesis Examples ftp://ftp1. esrl. noaa
PACS Synthesis Examples
PACS October heat fluxes 95 & 110˚W
GFDL CM2.1 IROAM PACS October heat fluxes 95 & 110˚W -40 -40 latent -80 -80 -120 -120 -160 -160 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 sensible -10 -10 -20 -20 Model TAO buoy WHOI ( ) [Yu and Weller 2007] CORE ( ) [Large and Yeager 2004] NOAA ship observations ( ) [Fairall et al. 2008] -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 -25 -25 longwave -50 -50 -75 -75 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 300 300 250 250 95 & 110W fluxes from ( ) courtesy of Fairall, Uttal, Hazen, et al. 2008, J. Climate. solar 200 200 150 150 100 100 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 200 200 150 150 100 net 100 50 50 -50 -50 -100 -100 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 -12 -8 -4 4 8 12 north latitude
Stratus Synthesis Data http://people. oregonstate
Fall 2001, (6 years) 20˚S, 75-85˚W. Observe: (10-min or Hourly time resolution) Surface meteorology Turbulent and radiative fluxes Cloud vertical structure: top, base, and LCL. Rawinsonde profiles Column water vapor and liquid water path Aerosols Assess fluxes from ground
Stratus October heat fluxes 20˚S
GFDL CM2.1 IROAM Stratus October heat fluxes 20˚S -40 -40 latent -80 -80 -120 -120 100 85 70 100 85 70 -10 -10 sensible -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 100 85 70 100 85 70 -25 -25 longwave -50 -50 -75 -75 -100 -100 Model WHOI ORS buoy WHOI ( ) analysis CORE ( ) NOAA ship observations 100 85 70 100 85 70 300 300 250 250 analyses (WHOI and CORE) do well, even where models are worst NOAA ship observations are available 75-85W, where model errors are largest. Compare with models and study processes. solar 200 200 150 150 100 85 70 100 85 70 160 160 120 120 net 80 80 40 40 100 85 70 100 85 70 west longitude
Stratus Example: Buoy IR Flux Observations Used to Deduce Cloud Fraction Ghate et al. 2009
Ship Observations
A Motion-Stabilized W-band (94-GHz) Cloud Radar for Observations of Marine Boundary-Layer Clouds C.W. Fairall (1), K. Moran (1), S. Pezoa (1), D.E. Wolfe (1), S. de Szoeke (2), and V. Ghate(3) (1)NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder CO, USA, (2) Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR (3) Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ The NOAA Physical Science Division has developed and recently deployed a new pitch-roll stabilized, vertically pointing W-band (94 GHz) Doppler cloud radar for research investigations of the dynamics and microphysics of marine clouds. The radar produces profiles of full Doppler spectra and the first three moments of the spectral peak at 0.3 s time intervals; the vertical resolution is 25 m. Pitch-roll stabilization allows Doppler measurement of vertical motion without tilt-contamination by horizontal winds; ship heave is measured independently and subtracted from the radar vertical velocity to yield very accurate particle vertical motions.
Motion Stabilization And Correction
W-band antenna *Pitch/Roll stabilization maintains antenna level *Measured ship vertical motion is subtracted from Doppler Mean Motions Before and After Vertical motion Correction
Time-Height Cross Section Cloud Views
Time series of ceilometer cloudbase height for Nov. 28. Time-height cross section from 1 hour of data beginning at 0600 on Nov. 28 (Day 333) from ESRL/PSD W-band cloud radar. The top panel is the radar reflectivity (dBZ); the middle panel is the mean Doppler velocity (m/s, positive down); the bottom panel is the Doppler width (m/s) of the return.
ESRL W-band moments for the entire day
ESRL W-band moments for the entire day. Also shown the ceilometer cloud base (black) and LCL (red)
Radar dericed velocity variance and lidar derived velocity variance and ceilometer cloud base height. Lidar variance is only available every other 10 min period.
Radar derived velocity skewness and lidar derived skewness similar to earlier plot.
Shallow Convection Life Cycle Off Hawaii
Four time-height cross section panel sets, each from 1 hour of data from ESRL/PSD W-band cloud radar. Each individual panel set shows: radar reflectivity (dBZ), top; mean Doppler velocity (m/s, positive down), middle; Doppler width (m/s) of the return, bottom. Panel sets are examples of: weak convection, upper left; strong convective cell, upper right; strong cell complex, lower left; decaying cloud remnants, lower right.
Kelvin-Helmholtz billows
Stratiform precipitation has steady fall velocity. makes air velocity visible to radar. DYNAMO has ~100 hours of stratiform rain. Doppler velocity anomaly (m/s) Example of generation of turbulence by short-lived shear-driven Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Billows show alternating billow vertical velocities around 3 km. (Not shown, shear and velocity variance is observed by the ISS wind profiler at this level and time.) Doppler width (m/s) Kelvin-Helmholtz billows
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