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Hot Chips, Slow Wires, Leaky Transistors

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1 Hot Chips, Slow Wires, Leaky Transistors
ISCA 2000 Panel: Hot Chips, Slow Wires, Leaky Transistors T. N. Vijaykumar School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Purdue University

2 Power Dissipation Dynamic and static components
dynamic: switching static: subthreshold leakage, when NOT switching Reduce dynamic component proportional to Vdd => need lower Vdd must lower threshold voltage (Vt) for high speed But lower Vt means higher static power

3 Subthreshold Leakage log(Ids) Vth1 Vth2 Vgs

4 Subthreshold Leakage Trends
Static power component increasing lower Vt => EXPONENTIALLY higher leakage shorter channel => more leakage more #transistors => more leakage Large on-chip memory structures dynamic power during accessing one cache block static power through ALL cells, ALL the time

5 Current Power Reduction Techniques
Many circuit techniques typically at circuit-block level target dynamic and static power e.g., clock gating, dual-Vt CMOS Some architecture techniques dynamic power-reduction schemes e.g., pipeline gating, throttling misspeculations no published techniques for static power

6 Reducing Power Dissipation
Current hardware built for worst-case demand e.g., pipeline width, memory hierarchy But usage varies across and within program Provide power on a “need-only” basis reconfigure hardware to fit application demand Need to integrate circuit & architecture levels circuit mechanisms to turn off unused circuits architecture techniques to decide which/when tackle both static and dynamic power issues

7 Slow Wires Global wires are problem, short wires are not
short wires RC scale as feature size decreases long wires in wider/larger pipelines problematic Need decentralized microarchitectures not pay long wire-delays for near communication pay extra cycles for far communication But need to keep software in mind “all multiprocessor” world has software problems need support for speculatively parallel execution Wisc Multiscalar, Stanford Hydra, CMU Stampede

8 A Shameless Plug! Low power project at Purdue
Integrated Circuit Architecture Approach to Low Power (ICALP) Multiplex project at Purdue Combines explicit and speculative parallelism

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