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DIY Faraday Challenge Day

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Presentation on theme: "DIY Faraday Challenge Day"— Presentation transcript:

1 DIY Faraday Challenge Day
The IET DIY Faraday Challenge Day Mission to Mars 9.15 am Notes: As students arrive, get them to fill out Team Registration form and check they have 130 Faradays 9.30am (5 minutes) Welcome to the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s DIY Faraday Challenge Day. Today is a STEM challenge – does anyone know what STEM stands for? Elicit responses from students or tell them: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths – today you will be using all of your knowledge and skills in these subjects. Today you are no longer students you are teams of engineers and there is a very important problem which you are required to solve! Before we get started Health and Safety/Housekeeping. Explore engineering careers at

2 “The application of science to the needs of humanity”
What is engineering? “The application of science to the needs of humanity” 3 mins Notes: ‘What is engineering?’ – elicit responses briefly. What do you think that engineers have helped to create in this room? Emphasise the point that engineers will be involved in everything – clothes, curtains, building, heating, cooling, lighting, tables, chairs, bags, electrics etc. On click - Engineering is the application of science to the needs of humanity! Emphasise point that engineers create things that we can use, they help people! Explore engineering careers at

3 What is engineering? 2 mins Notes:
There are many types of engineer – highlight the range using the pictures on the slide. Use picture of wind turbine to emphasise that engineers are crucial in the role of sustainability. Define sustainability if required. Ask pupils who are interested in a career in engineering- pupils to raise their hands if they are interested. Explore engineering careers at

4 Briefing video Context Play Briefing Video Approximately 4 mins.
Explore engineering careers at

5 Re-cap of the Challenge
What does your team need to do? 1. Design and build a prototype rocket. 2. Design and build a prototype transport system to move your rocket 3 metres from the rocket facility to the launch site. Rocket Facility Launch Site Mars 2 mins Notes: ‘Make It 2 Mars’ is a fantastic opportunity to further mankind so what does your team need to do?” ‘Make It 2 Mars’ have the resources and launch system for the prototype rocket however they need a good quality prototype constructing by your team. Remember there are two parts to this challenge – the transportation system and the rocket. You need to complete both in order to be successful. For the test of your prototype you will need to be able to transport your rocket over a distance of 3 metres safely and effectively. Your transportation should include an electric circuit – you will lose points if it does not. Explore engineering careers at

6 The final test Today's goal is to present and test your prototype transport system and rocket. 3 minutes Present to the Judges the key points from your reflections 5 minutes Set up your transport system Transport your rocket to the launch site Set up your rocket on the launch pad and launch your rocket 5 mins Notes: This is a competition. Each person will have a certificate to show they took part in the day (give to teachers to write names out). Explore engineering careers at

7 Tools to help you STEM knowledge and skills Be brave! The Shop
Limited resources Budget 130 Faradays Spend wisely! STEM consultant Expensive but there if you need expert advice 3 mins Notes: STEM knowledge and skills - Engineers are problem-solvers. They rely on science, maths, technology and design to be successful. Engineers take risks so that they can create something new. Think about what you already know and how this knowledge can be applied creatively today! Be brave in your ideas – we will reward those who challenge themselves. Shop - Purchase materials you will need to build your prototype. Supplies are limited. You can negotiate on price but you can only sell back to the shop for half price. No selling between teams. You may want to consider using recyclable materials if you are going to think about sustainability. Budget - Keep accurate records of your purchases. You need to know that the only time the amount you spend comes into play is when there are two teams on the same points. The one who has spent the least will win. You should not compromise the effectiveness of your designs in order to save money. STEM consultant - You can purchase consultancy time but consultants do not make your prototype or come up with initial ideas. Explore engineering careers at

8 Tools to help you Mission to Mars team brief
Contains all the information you need to succeed Inspiration Station Use it to inspire you but not to copy! Notes: Engineering team brief - Contains all the key information which you will require to be successful. Keep referring to it. Inspiration Station - Help get the creative ideas flowing by visiting the inspiration station. Explore engineering careers at

9 How to score points Planning and research Development of prototypes
Accounting Presentation Quality and performance of the transport system and rocket prototype Teamwork 2 minutes Notes: Don’t forget this is a competition. You will be judged on these categories. Look at the marking criteria on page 10 of the Mission to Mars team brief to see how you can gain maximum marks. The first two sections will be judged on your planning sheets (refer them to A3 planning and reflection sheets) and from discussion with your team and watching your progress. Your accounts sheet can be found on page 9 of the Mission to Mars team brief. Look at the marking criteria – marks are given for accuracy, cost effectiveness and neatness so you may want to keep your accounts in rough initially and then copy them out. Your presentation and prototype marks will come from the final test. We will give you further information on what should be in the presentation later in the day. We will be watching how you work as a team throughout the day. Marks will be deducted for any unsafe working or where you do not work together as a team. Explore engineering careers at

10 Tips for working safely
1. Do not use mains electricity sources! 2. Keep your work station tidy (including the floor around it). 3. Use all materials and kit safely and sensibly, particularly when using the cutting and gluing stations. Tie long hair back when using these stations. 4. Report any spillages, accidents or potential hazards to the teacher immediately. 5. If your appliance (motor) does not work straight away take the wires off the battery immediately and check your circuit. You may have a short circuit which can make the wires get very hot. 2 mins Notes: Go through the tips for safe working! Emphasise all cutting and gluing to take place at the station – use safely and properly. Explore engineering careers at

11 Electric circuit refresher
You have 5 minutes to make a circuit using: 1 x motor 2 x 1.5 volt battery 1 x battery snap 1 x battery holder 1 x red wire 1 x black wire Does the way you attach the black and red wires to your motor make a difference to the direction it rotates? 6 mins Notes: Electricity is a part of most modern engineering projects. You need to be careful when working with electricity. On the tables there is the equipment you will need to make a circuit including a motor. Help the students where necessary. Set the time limit (10 mins) and give the team a 5 minutes warning. Once time is up stop the students and check their progress by asking: What is important about the way you attached the wires to the battery? What did you have to do to attached the wires to the motor? Ask the question on the slide (students may shout the answer or may do a hands-up vote if they are a shy group). Important to note that direction of motor is determined by way motor is connected to power source. Explore engineering careers at

12 Rockets Weight The thrust for your prototype will be created by compressed air. The heavier your rocket the greater the thrust needed to launch. Thrust 1 min Notes: A rocket will launch when the forces acting on it are right. In this case it is thrust and weight. We will be using this rocket launching station. It works on compressed air for the thrust – this will be the same pressure for all groups. You need to thing about the weight of your rocket. If it is too heavy it will not launch. The heavier an item the harder it is to get it moving – it is easier to push a box of tissues than a car. We can see this if we blow the paper cover off a straw. Blow the paper cover off a straw. Use this to illustrate the idea of ensuring the end of the rocket is closed and that the rocket fits closely on the pipe. Introduce the rocket body former on their tables. Get them to consider the idea of weight and the effect on thrust. Explore engineering careers at

13 Role allocation You have 10 minutes to:
Allocate each team member a specific role using the job specifications sheets in the ‘Mission to Mars’ team briefing Read your own job specification once allocated 10 minutes Notes: In real life, engineers work in teams and their ability to work well as a team is key to their success. Today, you are going to take on real–life engineering roles to experience what it is like to be part of a problem solving team. There is no time to lose so you have 10 minutes to allocate roles, fill out name tags. Think about the skills you all have and how they are best used for the good of your team. Give 5 minute warning. When they have allocated roles, ask each team member to stand up role by role …. ‘Project managers please stand up. What is your role?’ Clarify key points for each role, thank them and say it is nice to meet them. ‘Accountants, please stand up. what is your role?’ ….. etc. Explore engineering careers at

14 Stages Stage 1 – Planning and research Stage 2 – Development and modifications Stage 3 – Final build and initial testing Stage 4 – Final test 2 mins Notes: There are 3 key stages today that you will to go through before the final test: STAGE 1: Planning and research Brainstorming of ideas Planning and research STAGE 2: Development and modifications Shop opens Development and build of prototype solutions Modification of prototypes Testing STAGE 3: Final build and testing of prototype Final modifications Preparation of presentation Shop closes at 1.30 p.m. Look in the Mission to Mars team brief for the schedule of the day. Don’t worry – you do get a morning working break at for 10 minutes and lunchtime is from until 1.00! Explore engineering careers at

15 STAGE 1: Planning and Research
10.25 Explore engineering careers at

16 Brainstorming You have 15 minutes to: Assess the full scenario
Brainstorm design solutions for how you will build your prototype rocket Brainstorm design solutions for how you will build your prototype transport system 10.25 am 15 mins Notes: In stage one it is crucial that you understand what your team needs to do and brainstorm as many ideas as possible. Read the ‘Mission To Mars’ booklet, particularly the marking criteria for research and planning. Use the inspiration table. Great engineering needs great ideas as a start. You must record your ideas on your planning sheet for me to give you high marks. You can browse the shop but you cannot buy anything yet and you cannot touch anything. You have 15 minutes. Give them 5 minute warning at Explore engineering careers at

17 Planning and research You have 15 minutes to:
Choose the prototype idea to develop for your rocket Choose the prototype idea to develop for the transport system Start planning what materials you need to purchase Complete stage 1 reflections – don’t forget to fill out team number and name Project managers – please hand in your team registration form and the starter pack to the teacher now. 10.40 am 15 mins Notes: You have had 15 minutes to brainstorm as many solutions for both the prototype transportation system and rocket and now you have 15 minutes as a team to decide what ideas you want to develop. Accountants - Start planning what materials you need to purchase – which is your most cost effective idea? The shop will open in 15 minutes so be ready with your shopping list. Project Managers - Complete stage 1 reflections. These are really important as they will remind you of the process you went through so you can talk about this in your final presentation. I will be marking these after the break. Go! Explore engineering careers at

18 Development and modifications
STAGE 2: Development and modifications 10.55 am Notes: During Stage 2 go round and look at prototype & planning sheet to mark Stage 1 reflections for Planning and Research mark. Talk to teams to understand their ideas where necessary. Remember it is not about neatness but ideas so get them to explain where necessary. Explore engineering careers at

19 Purchasing period – the Accountant may buy the materials needed.
Development SHOP OPEN FOR BUSINESS Purchasing period – the Accountant may buy the materials needed. Build rocket prototype Build prototype transport system 10.55 am 25 mins – 15 mins plus 10 mins break which you can work through. Notes: Shop open for business! In this session you need to buy all the materials you need and can afford. You don’t have to buy them all at once, if you need something later you can come back and buy it (as long as the shop is still open). Work quickly and smartly. Project Managers, you should be aware that the shop will close at 1.30 p.m. and your team will not be allowed to work on your solution during the lunch period (12.30 – 1.00). Only the Accountant can purchase materials and they must keep record of expenses. They can take one person with them to help carry materials but only these two people from your team may visit the shop. If more people from your team are at the shop you will be banned from the shop for 15 minutes. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineer to commence build of rocket prototype. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer to commence build of transport device prototype. Project Managers – must keep team on task and to time. Explore engineering careers at

20 10 minute break 11.10-11.20 am Notes:
This is a working break so you may continue to work on your prototypes if you wish. Explore engineering careers at

21 Modifications Brainstorm ideas to improve your prototype transport system – can you make the transport system stronger? Is it large enough to carry your rocket? Brainstorm ideas to improve your rocket prototype – could the quality of the build be improved? Does it show stable flight? Have your prototypes addressed the design considerations? 11.30 am 5 minutes to regroup then continued building/development for 15 minutes Notes: This next stage is really important in making your solution the best. Take 5 minutes to regroup as a team and think of ways that your can modify or improve your solution. Think about how you can gain marks in the assessment process by working together to problem solve and improve your initial ideas. Engineers - Can you make the rocket and transport system stronger or more stable? Accountant – Can you afford any further equipment needed? Project Manager – Are all members of your team involved in development and on track to complete? Explore engineering careers at

22 Testing Does the transportation system move in the way you had planned? Does it carry your rocket successfully? You have one opportunity to try out your rocket on the launcher. Does your rocket fit on to the launch system? Does it launch? What can you do to improve it? Complete stage 2 reflections 12.00 pm 30 minutes Notes: Now, testing is crucial. Testing of ideas and equipment is part of being a great engineer. If your rocket fails to launch or your transport system fails to start ‘Make It 2 Mars’ won’t be impressed. This is your chance to smooth out any bumps before the final test. You will also have around 30 minutes after lunch to make any final changes. Aerospace Engineers – bring your rocket to the launch station when asked where you will be able to test it once only! Project Managers - REMEMBER to complete your Stage Two reflections – we will be collecting these in to mark over lunchtime. Mechanical Engineers - Can the prototypes be moved to the testing station without falling apart? Can you work out the speed at which your transportation prototype will travel across the 3 metres? (speed = distance/time). Keep working as a team! Explore engineering careers at

23 Your presentation You will have 3 minutes to tell us about your project. You might want to use your presentation to answer these questions: Why and how your team came up with the solutions including what makes them innovative and cost effective? The STEM used in your solutions and the importance of engineering. How your transportation system could be built in real life? How could you power your transportation system in an environmentally friendly way? Notes: Project Managers you may want to think about the presentation over lunch. You need to address each of these questions but refer to the marking criteria to ensure you cover everything. Explore engineering careers at

24 Tools down – take a 30 minute break
Lunch Tools down – take a 30 minute break 12.30 – pm Notes: Collect in Stage 2 reflections and allocate marks for Development of Ideas. Ask students to sit away from their tables if they are remaining in the room for lunch. Pack away inspiration station and set up testing area and judges table if not already done. Explore engineering careers at

25 STAGE 3: Final build and initial testing
13.00 pm Explore engineering careers at

26 Stage 3 Make final amends to your prototypes
Sell back any unused materials to the shop before it closes Make sure you have everything you need to set up your transport system and launch your rocket Complete final reflections and prepare for 3 minute presentation. Remember to look at the assessment criteria! 13.00 pm 30 mins Notes: Remember that you are working together as a team of engineers. Think about the engineering role you have taken on - what skills, knowledge and understanding you are using. This is where all your hard work needs to come together and you really need to come together as a team. Your roles: What are your priorities for the next 30 minutes? Project Manager - Know the plan and the stages needed. Prepare presentation and practice it with your team. Accountant - Check the budget and sell back any unwanted goods to the shop. Make sure your accountants sheet is ready to hand in at 1.30p.m. Aerospace, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers – Prepare to move your prototypes and know how they work! Explore engineering careers at

27 Your presentation You will have 3 minutes to tell us about your project. You might want to use your presentation to answer these questions: Why and how your team came up with the solutions including what makes them innovative and cost effective The STEM used in your solutions and the importance of engineering How your transportation system could be built in real life How could you power your transportation system in an environmentally friendly way? Notes: Call PMs to the front of the room - brief Project Managers on content of the presentation which they will relate to the rest of their team. Remind them to look at the marking criteria to ensure they include everything required. Although all the team has to stand at the front for the presentation they do not all have to speak. Explore engineering careers at

28 Shop, cutting and gluing station now closed!
Tools down! Shop, cutting and gluing station now closed! Accountants – submit your accounts to the Shop Manager with any remaining Faradays Return any equipment to the shop Finalise reflections for presentation Prepare for final demonstration 13.30 pm 15 minutes Notes: The shop is now shut. Accountants please submit your completed accounts sheet and any remaining Faradays to the shop manager. You have 15 minutes to: Finalise your presentation and ensure everyone knows their role. Get finance sheet from Shop Manager to check against accounting sheets. Mark accounts sheet. Check final amount against remaining Faradays and shop accounts for accuracy. Explore engineering careers at

29 STAGE 4: Final test 13.45 pm Notes:
Testing is fun. There may be problems or issues with prototypes but it is important to be relaxed! Remember I am marking on a number of different things and the competition is not won or lost on the performance of the prototypes. Ask students to bring their chairs to the front to make a semi-circle behind the judging table. Ask a teacher/technician to operate the launch station. Get a student to time the presentation, etc. Explore engineering careers at

30 Stage 4 - Presentation and Final testing
3 minutes - Teams present reflections from Stages 1, 2 and 3. 5 minutes - Demonstration of transport system and rocket launch. We will cut you off if you go over time! pm 60 mins (Includes time to assemble students at the front, give instructions for how the presentations and testing will be carried out and then 8 minutes per team for presentation and testing). Notes: Remind teams of the format of the presentations and tell them how you will indicate that they are coming near to time. Teams to come up and present their findings. 1 minute given to set up their prototypes. Teams are randomly chosen to present their reflections. Team’s come up to the front of their room to setup device and present. Explore engineering careers at

31 Tidying Up Put in a pile on your table the role cards and team number cards Tidy up your workspace and put any rubbish in the bin Notes: Judging is a difficult business so whilst we consult and check our figures please could you help us by tidying up quickly and without asking us questions. Explore engineering careers at

32 And the winner is....... Notes:
Each team has been fantastic and you have all be successful in completing the DIY Faraday Challenge Day set for you today. Give each team feedback about your strengths in the challenge today. Winner to be announced. I will not be telling each team what score they got (apart from the winning team) or where they came in the rank order because we want you all to go home today celebrating your success rather than thinking ‘We came sixth/fifth/fourth/etc’. Relay careers messaging – what should they do next if they enjoyed the day. Play wrap up video (approximately 2 mins). Go through each teams’ strengths and then announce that there can only be one winner. Ask students to do drum role and announce winner with the number of points they got. Ask students to put their hands up if they are interested in a career in engineering. Explore engineering careers at

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