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By: Jasmin Craig & Lakala Evans

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1 By: Jasmin Craig & Lakala Evans
Bernardo de Galvez By: Jasmin Craig & Lakala Evans

2 Who Is This Person? A Military leader he served as a colonial governor of Louisiana and Cuba. He was born on July 23, 1746 in Marcharaviya, Spain. He died on Nov 30, His Heroic use against the British gave him fame in Spain and America. The legacy of Bernardo de Galvez can be seen when America celebrates freedom. The American Congress cited Bernardo for his aid during the Revolution.

3 What Did He Do? He was a Spanish colonial administrator, a captain general of Louisiana during the war. He supplied goods to the American such as medicine, cloths, and gun powder. Galvez carried a masterful military out and defeated the British colonial Forces when secretly organizing Louisiana & New Orleans for war.

4 Was Bernardo A Patriot Or Loyalist (How do You know)??
Bernardo was a patriot and agreed/followed the John Locke enlightenment. He helped the America cause (freedom) which considered him a patriot. He also used his own money to buy maize and beans for the populace.

5 What Enlightenment Idea Influenced Him?
“If the government is not protecting the natural rights of citizens, then citizens have a right to revolt”.- John Locke “all people have natural rights: life, liberty, happiness” –John Locke He dedicated 16% of the income of the lottery and other games to charity.

6 Did he Survive The Revolutionary War?
Yes, the Revolutionary War ended in 1783 & he returned back to Spain and fought in the Netherlands. He died at the age of 40 in 1786, which they may believe he was poisoned by his enemies.

7 Our Opinion On Bernardo ?
We think that Bernardo de Galvez was a good military leader and person, he lead his troops in the right directions and donated out of kindness without being asked. He helped America very well and is an important part of our history. He was probably counted on for a lot of things and that he shouldn't have died at such a young age.

8 FACTS!!! The city of Galueston,Teaxas was named for him.
Galvez Street in New Orleans is named after him. The Galvez Plaza in Louisiana is named after Bernardo as well.

9 The End!

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