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What are some of the causes or issues you are passionate about?

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Presentation on theme: "What are some of the causes or issues you are passionate about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are some of the causes or issues you are passionate about?
Bellringer: What are some of the causes or issues you are passionate about?

2 Chapter – 5 The Spirit of Independence
Lesson – 3 A Call to Arms Page 120

3 What motivates people to act?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What motivates people to act?

4 Terms to Know Minutemen - people who could be ready to fight as soldiers with one minute’s notice

5 Terms to Know Loyalists - American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and were against the war for independence

6 Terms to Know Patriots - American colonists who wanted American independence

7 AVID Pre-Reading Surveying the Text What is the text? (Visuals)
Organizational Signals Titles, subtitles and sections Predicting the Main Idea make predictions about the main idea

8 GUIDING QUESTIONS 1. What role did key individuals play in the movement toward independence? 2. Why were the battles at Lexington and Concord important? 3. What were the beliefs of the Loyalists and Patriots?

9 Read: Chapter 5 Lesson 3 Pages 120 – 125. As you read take Cornell Notes.

10 Answer the following Guiding Question:
Write a journal entry from the point of view of either a Loyalist or a Patriot. (Focus on describing why you chose to join that particular side)

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